임도 노선측량 작업의 작업분석

This study examined the work time, work posture, and work intensity for the actual measurement step in forest road the design work that was being carried out. The measurement of the forest road was being carried by a team of three workers and a team of four workers. The examination of work time found that the measurement of 1km took about 8 hours for the four-worker team and 12 hours for the three-worker team. The examination of work intensity found that the energy metabolic rates of the three-worker team were lower than four-worker team. Because their energy consumption per minute decreased as their work time and rest time increased. Furthermore, when appropriate rest time was applied according to work time, the energy metabolic rate decreased and the work intensity became lower. The four-worker team was more advantageous from the time and cost aspects of the forest road measurement work. Furthermore, as the rest time was very low compared to the work time, more efficient forest road measurement work would be possible if the work intensity was lowered by considering the rest time when calculating the standard work time.