BURG, P., ZEMANEK, P., TURAN, J., FINDURA, P.: The penetration resistance as a soil degradation indicator in the viticulture. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 8, pp. 29–36 This paper deals with monitoring of changes in soil compaction at two experimental sites (Lednice and Valtice) in the alleyway of vineyards. The experimental measurements were carried out during the period 2009–2011. Penetration resistance of the soil was measured using the penetrometer (type PN 10) to a depth up to 520 mm. The measurements were carried out alternatively in variants with grassed and cultivated alleyways of vineyards. The samples were performed in the wheeltracks and in the middle of an alleyway. The control samples were performed between the plants in the row. The results show that the penetration resistance reaches lower values on the grassed alleyway. At both variants is obvious increase of the penetration resistance above the critical value already in a depth of 0.2 m. From the annual comparison of the penetration resistance it is clear the higher increase in the third year. viticulture, soil, penetration resistance, soil compaction In connection with the intensifi cation of crop production is a current topic of agricultural soils compaction. It should paid attention for the full implementation of all available ways to soil compaction elimination and removal (MARTINEC et al., 2008). Soil compaction is signifi cantly refl ected in the reduction of their fertility and production capabilities of the soil. The consequences of the excessive compaction of soil from a social point of view are more serious, that soils are mainly potentially very fertile, for which of the yield reduction is refl ected in many economical aspects of (JAVŮREK, VACH, 2008). The research results clearly showed that the soil compaction has resulted in an increase of the soils bulk density, reduction of the porosity (mainly lower volume of noncapillary pores) and at a higher level causes destruction of the soil aggregates. That leads to the degradation of other physical properties of soils, such as limited water permeability, changes in water content in the soil horizon and water fl ow in the soil. At the same time it aff ects the relationship between the content of the air (defi ciency of oxygen in the root zone) and soil temperature (PROFFITT et al., 1995). The issue of measuring the level of compaction of agricultural soils, was dealt by a number of authors such as SAŘEC (1997), MARTINEC et al. (2008), KROULIK et al. (2009), FLORIAN and KUBIK (2010), problems of forestry soil compaction HERRICK, JONES (2001), LIPIEC et al. (2002), NERUDA (2008), and others. The accurate detection of the soils resistance is problematic and depends on many constant and variable factors (moisture, structure, chemical composition, texture, etc.). The issue of compaction of soils monitoring in the vineyards was solved by PAECOCK (1999), BAHAM (1999), in Czech Republic eg. by JANDAK et al. (2010). The aim of this contribution is to evaluate soils penetration resistance in grassed and cultivated alleyway of vineyards, at two experimental sites, during three year period. 30 P. Burg, P. Zemanek, J. Turan, P. Findura MATERIAL AND METHODS The experimental measurements were performed at the two experimental sites in the cadastral area of Lednice and Valtice during the period from 2009 to 2011. Experimental site in Lednice: vineyard 19 years old, consisting of a variety Lemberger (Blauer Limberger), vine is grown at a high vine training with one cane, the spacing is 2.5 × 1.0 m, with a wooden posts supporting structure with the height of 1.8 m. Every second alleyway is grassed. Soil type, according to estimated pedological ecological unit, are these soils marked as 0.01.00. This type represents the modal black soils. It is therefore a medium – heavy soil with no skeleton, very deep, mostly with favorable water regime. Slope of the land was 0–3% (fl at). Average water content in topsoil was in a range from 18.3 to 22.1% of the weight. Experimental site in Valtice: vineyard 30 years old, consisting of a variety Irsay Oliver, is grown at a high vine training with two cane in spacing 2.8 × 1.0 m, with posts supporting structure with the height of 2.0 m. Every second alleyway is grassed. Soil type, according to estimated pedological ecological unit marked as 0.08.50, which represents the blacksoil pelic, carbonate. Soil is represented by loess, loess soils and slope soils, moderate and heavier, mostly without a skeleton and a higher sloping (5–10%). Average water content in topsoil was in a range from 17.3 to 19.3 by weight. Penetration resistance of soil in individual layers in the soil horizon was measured using a penetrometer (type PN10). The device consists of measuring needle tip, tensometric load cell sensor, optical sensor for measuring the depth, evaluation electronics with a microprocessor and battery. The measurement was carried out alternatively in a grassed and cultivated alleyway of vineyards. Individual samples were performed in the wheel tracks and in the middle of an alleyway. Control punctures were performed between the plants on the axis of the row. In each variant was performed randomly 20 punctures. To evaluate the results were used standard statistical parameters (arithmetical average, standard deviation). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The measured values of soil penetration resistance from all localities and experimental variations are presented in a Tabs. I–V. Results of penetrometric curves are shown in Figs. 1–5. In these graphs are also plotted the limiting values of soil penetration resistance, which states LHOTSKÝ (2000). From the comparison of values shown in Figs. 1–2 results that for variant with grassed alleyway is (except at the experimantal site Lednice 2011) very clear impact of passing of machinery in wheel tracks. The critical values (3.5 MPa) achieves penetration resistance at depths less than 0.20 m, while in the middle of the alleyway almost all measurements were not close to this value even at a depth 0.4– 0.5 m. At the variants with black fallow is penetration resistances in a the wheel tracks generally higher and reach critical values at a depth of less than 0.2 m. With increasing depth are exceeding this critical value (Fig. 3). Fig. 4 shows shi of thecritical values in the middle of the alleyway to a depth 0.25–0.35 m. The more favorable values in Valtice are caused probably by better quality of a soil environment and lower soil moisture. I: The values of the soil penetration resistance – grassed alleyway, wheel track The depth (mm) The experimantal site Lednice The experimantal site Valtice 2009 201