The Application of the Simulation Techniques to Reduce the Noise and Vibration in Vehicle Development

An overview of the analytical noise and vibration simulations performed to support the design and development of the passenger car was presented. Analytical models of the structural vehicle and acoustic cavity were developed, and several simulations related to the NVH were performed in the prototype development stage. All of the simulations were performed to minimize development time as well as to optimize the cost, weight, and performance of the NVH and the maximum frequency of these analyses is 200 Hz. The modal analysis and design sensitivity analysis of the body-in-white was performed to minimize the mass while maintaining the body stiffness by using the concept model and detailed model. Most of the subsystems such as engine mount, steering, suspension and exhaust pipe system were analyzed respectively and in the combined system for the design studies of the idle shake and high-speed wheel shake analysis. Structure-borne noise due to both road-induced vibration and engine vibration were considered. Most of the analysis was performed before prototype vehicles were tested to make the design implementation. The vehicle design cycle was reduced and the noise and vibration quality was improved by application of these simulations.