The description of public resources such as web site contents, web services or data files in open peer-to-peer networks using some formal framework like RDF usually reflects solely the subjective requirements, opinion and preferences of the resource provider. In some sense, such resource descriptions appear “antisocial” as they do not reflect the social impact of the respective resource and therefore might not provide impartial, reliable assessments. E.g., commercial web sites do not contain any relationship to the information, service and product offers of competing sites, and the assessment of the site by customers, experts or competitors is unknown to users and information agents also. We introduce an open multiagent system framework which derives multidimensional resource descriptions from the possibly conflicting opinions of interacting description agents, which act as representatives for individual, organizational or institutional clients, and compete in the assertion of individual opinions against others to provide a “socially enhanced” solution for this problem. In contrast to the results of majority voting based recommender systems, the obtained social resource descriptions reflect social structures such as norms and roles which emerge from communication processes.
Robin Burke,et al.
Semantic ratings and heuristic similarity for collaborative filtering
Michael Wooldridge,et al.
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Gerhard Weiß,et al.
Multiagent Systems Without Agents - Mirror-Holons for the Compilation and Enactment of Communication Structures
Wilfried Brauer,et al.
Expectation-Oriented Analysis and Design
Michael Schroeder,et al.
An Efficient Argumentation Framework for Negtiating Autonomous Agents
Wilfried Brauer,et al.
Communication Systems: A Unified Model of Socially Intelligent Systems
John Riedl,et al.
GroupLens: an open architecture for collaborative filtering of netnews
CSCW '94.
Naohiro Ishii,et al.
Content-based Collaborative Information Filtering: Actively Learning to Classify and Recommend Documents
Arthur C. Graesser,et al.
Is it an Agent, or Just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents