Writing as a Learning Tool: Integrating Theory and Practice. Studies in Writing, Volume 7.

Prologue D.R. Olson. Writing as a Learning Tool: An Introduction P. Tynjala, et al. Writing to Learn: One Theory, Two Rationales N. Nelson. Writing, Learning and the Development of Expertise in Higher Education P. Tynjala. On the Ecology of Classroom Instruction: The Case of Writing in High School English and Social Studies M. Nystrand, et al. Writing to Learn, Writing to Transfer P. Boscolo, L. Mason. Sequential Writing Tasks' Influence on Science Writing B.M. Hand, et al. Note Taking and Essay Writing V. Slotte, K. Lonka. Portfolio: Integrating Writing, Learning and Assessment P. Linnakyla. New Technology, Writing and Learning J. Hartley, P. Tynjala. References. Name Index. Subject Index. List of Contributors.