Analysis Algorithm of Architectural Projects a Method for Architectural Reverse Engineering in Design Education
2 Abstract: Considering and analyzing the ideas used in the earlier architectural designed projects is a considerable help for designers in the process of designing new buildings. Before starting design process, most architecture students do not come to a deep understanding on the works of the earlier architects and they just consider taking an overall look of books, magazines and websites would be sufficient. The present paper aims at presenting an algorithm of analysis of architectural buildings to recognize principles of designing and constructing in which reverse engineering idea has been applied. The method is based upon conducting qualitative interviews with the architectures that were experienced in professional activity and design teaching. The theoretical method of the research is based on reverse engineering and algorithms concepts and theories. The results of the research show that method of algorithm of analysis can be useful for three fields. First, in architecture design process that can be used by architecture students and professional designers. This is achieved through training and mental experience of principles of design processes in exquisite works of architecture. Second, it provides the essence for critics in order to do not suffice to a general look of architectural works and discuss further parameters in their reviews. Third, it facilities categorization of architectural works and the technologies used in them for further research about them.