A Demonstration of Formal Policy Reasoning Using an Extended Version of  BaseVISor

This demonstration will show the practical application of a formal reasoning engine for both policy invocation and policy reconciliation. The primary features of this demonstration include the use of formal ontologies, context based policy reasoning, and support for both policy invocation and reconciliation. BaseVISor [C. Matheus et al., 2006], a forward chaining inference engine optimized for reasoning about RDF triples, is the formal reasoning engine that we have extended to support automated reasoning about policies through the addition of context-based semantics introduced by cwm/REIN [L. Kagal and T. Berners-Lee, 2005] and a formal ontology that we have extended/developed based on concepts from REIN and Ismeme [P. McDaniel and A. Prakash, 2006]. We will demonstrate the system's application to some existing scenarios taken from the body of work described in [L. Kagal and T. Berners-Lee, 2005] and [P. McDaniel and A. Prakash, 2006].