Utvärdering av inomhuslokalisering med Bluetooth Low Energy
Wireless communication is becoming more common, a relatively new technology within the area is Bluetooth Low Energy. It’s been developed to be energy efficient and in regard to compatibility. Alongside the growth of wireless technology, scientists and companies are looking for new areas of use. One of these is localization, which means to determine the position of a moving device with the use of stationary devices, an example of this would be GPS.This report means to evaluate indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy and was made for Combitech AB in Jonkoping. The purpose of the work was to determine with what accuracy and precision the position of a moving device could be estimated. The report will answer the following questions: With what accuracy and precision can the position of a device be determined within a test area of varying size using Bluetooth Low Energy? Is the accuracy and precision affected by the environment?The authors chose an inductive reasoning and therefore intended to answer the questions with the help of experimental studies. A system consisting of both software and hardware was developed and was then used to conduct multiple rounds of tests, where the size of the area and the environment was varied.By evaluating the data gathered from said tests and comparing it to theoretical studies and prior research credible results were obtained. The accuracy appears to decrease as the distance between the units is increased, however a deeper analysis shows that the difference is smaller below 500 cm. No correlation is found between environment and accuracy. When three stationary units, forming a triangle with 400 cm between the vertices, are used to determine the position of a fourth the achieved accuracy is 65 cm. During the tests the precision is not shown to decrease with distance, it seems to vary independently. However, as the environment is changed a noticeable difference is observed. In a gymnasium the standard deviation was calculated to 0.38 RSSIwhereas in an office environment it was 0.99 RSSI. In regard to the given results the authors conclude that Bluetooth Low Energy shows some potential for the use in indoor positioning systems. A possible scenario where the technology would be well suited would be when the units need to work of a coin cell battery for a large period of time, while the system must support multiple types of units and a rough estimation of the position is adequate.