Secure route optimization for Mobile Network Node using secure address proxying

We propose a secure route optimization mechanism for network mobility management. We also solve three problems to achieve the route optimization: Mobile Router's security association, need of Correspondent Node's Mobile IPv6-awareness, and location privacy. In order to solve the problems, we make a Mobile Router a secure proxy of a mobile network node so that the mobile router can send a proxy binding update to a home agent of the mobile network node in a secure way. We also use multi-key cryptographically generated addresses (MCGA). By using MCGA, a mobile network node can securely authorize a Mobile Router to use the same address. At the same time, a home agent of a mobile network node can also verify that the binding update is from either an actual address owner or an authorized proxy. Having performed an analysis of our secure route optimization over rather realistic environment, we show we can save propagation path length between the home agent of the mobile network node and the mobile router.