Roboethics in Biorobotics : Discussion of Case Studies

In this paper, we focus on the research activities carried out in our laboratories ARTS (Advanced Robotics Technology and Systems) and CRIM (Center for Research in MIcroengineering) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in Pisa, Italy. We present some of the ethical issues deriving from research and development on biorobotics systems and technologies. Drawing on direct experience, we point out and discuss a few case studies taken from the following biomedical domains: surgery, personal assistance, prosthetics and bionics. The issues span from animal and human experimentation, human dignity, human replacement, to the relationship between media and scientific research, and to economic issues concerning accessibility and patenting. As mainly roboticists, the authors’ aim is not to provide the reader with answers to ethical problems, but to raise questions and elicit discussion among cross-disciplinary communities.