The iodine Satellite ( iSat ) Propellant Feed

The development, modeling, and testing of components and subsystems required to feed iodine propellant to a 200-W Hall thruster and cathode are described. This work aims to address design deficiencies and issues associated with the propellant feed system that were revealed by an integrated thruster-cathode-feed system test. The feed system design is modified to use materials that are more resistant to the highly-reactive nature of iodine propellant. Dynamic modeling indicates that the inclusion of additional constraints on feed system tubing will reduce the vibrationally-induced stresses that occur during launch. Full spacecraft thermal modeling show that the feed system heater power levels are sufficient to heat the tank and propellant lines to operating temperatures, where iodine in the tank is sublimed to supply propellant for operation and the tubing is elevated in temperature to keep propellant from redepositing to block the flow. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that is it possible through the application of heating to clear an iodine deposit blocking the flow. Deposits in the low-pressure portion of the system near the exit to vacuum are shown to be relatively easy to remove in this manner while blockages forming upstream nearer to the higher-pressure propellant tank require significantly more effort to remove. Fluid flow modeling of the feed system is performed, exhibiting some qualitative agreement with experimental data. However, the highly viscous nature of the fluid flow and the dependence of the component flow coefficients on the Reynolds number are likely causes of the generally-poor quantitative agreement between the modeling results and experimentally-measured fluid flow properties.