Theory of Dynamic Critical Phenomena

An introductory review of the central ideas in the modern theory of dynamic critical phenomena is followed by a more detailed account of recent developments in the field. The concepts of the conventional theory, mode-coupling, scaling, universality, and the renormalization group are introduced and are illustrated in the context of a simple example\char22{}the phase separation of a symmetric binary fluid. The renormalization group is then developed in some detail, and applied to a variety of systems. The main dynamic universality classes are identified and characterized. It is found that the mode-coupling and renormalization group theories successfully explain available experimental data at the critical point of pure fluids, and binary mixtures, and at many magnetic phase transitions, but that a number of discrepancies exist with data at the superfluid transition of $^{4}\mathrm{He}$.

[1]  L. Hove,et al.  Time-Dependent Correlations between Spins and Neutron Scattering in Ferromagnetic Crystals , 1954 .

[2]  T. Matsubara,et al.  A Lattice Model of Liquid Helium, II , 1956 .

[3]  J. Friedel,et al.  Anomalies de résistivité dans certains métaux magníques , 1958 .

[4]  Melvin Lax,et al.  Fluctuations from the Nonequilibrium Steady State , 1960 .

[5]  M. Fixman Viscosity of Critical Mixtures , 1962 .

[6]  R. Glauber Time‐Dependent Statistics of the Ising Model , 1963 .

[7]  Leo P. Kadanoff,et al.  Hydrodynamic equations and correlation functions , 1963 .

[8]  P. C. Hohenberg,et al.  Microscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium , 1965 .

[9]  Paul C. Martin,et al.  Spin Diffusion in the Heisenberg Paramagnet , 1965 .

[10]  H. Mori Transport, Collective Motion, and Brownian Motion , 1965 .

[11]  B. Josephson Relation between the superfluid density and order parameter for superfluid He near Tc , 1966 .

[12]  P. Anderson Considerations on the Flow of Superfluid Helium , 1966 .

[13]  K. Kawasaki Diffusion Constants near the Critical Point for Time-Dependent Ising Models. I , 1966 .

[14]  Paul C. Martin,et al.  Unified Approach to Interacting Phonon Problems , 1966 .

[15]  M. Fisher Quantum Corrections to Critical-Point Behavior , 1966 .

[16]  K. Kawasaki,et al.  Nonlinear Effects in the Shear Viscosity of Critical Mixtures , 1967 .

[17]  K. Kawasaki Anomalous spin diffusion in ferromagnetic spin systems , 1967 .

[18]  M. Fisher The theory of equilibrium critical phenomena , 1967 .

[19]  P. Hohenberg Existence of Long-Range Order in One and Two Dimensions , 1967 .


[21]  P. C. Hohenberg,et al.  Generalization of Scaling Laws to Dynamical Properties of a System Near its Critical Point , 1967 .

[22]  P Heller,et al.  Experimental investigations of critical phenomena , 1967 .



[25]  M. Fisher,et al.  Resistive Anomalies at Magnetic Critical Points , 1968 .

[26]  J. Swift,et al.  Transport Coefficients near the Liquid-Gas Critical Point , 1968 .

[27]  F. Schwabl,et al.  Fluctuations and lambda phase transition in liquid helium , 1968 .

[28]  J. Swift,et al.  Transport Coefficients near the Critical Point: A Master-Equation Approach , 1968 .

[29]  D. Jasnow,et al.  High-Temperature Critical Indices for the Classical Anisotropic Heisenberg Model , 1968 .

[30]  J. Swift Transport Coefficients Near the Consolute Temperature of a Binary Liquid Mixture , 1968 .

[31]  Anomalous electrical resistivity in antiferromagnetic metals near the Neel point , 1968 .

[32]  Un modèle pour la relaxation ferromagnétique critique , 1968 .

[33]  Size Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity of Helium I Near theλPoint , 1968 .

[34]  K. Kawasaki Dynamics of Critical Fluctuations. II , 1968 .

[35]  Anomalous Spin Relaxation near the Magnetic Transition , 1968 .

[36]  P. C. Hohenberg,et al.  Scaling Laws for Dynamic Critical Phenomena , 1969 .

[37]  P. G. Watson LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Formation of invariants from critical amplitudes of ferromagnets , 1969 .

[38]  On the dynamics of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet atTN , 1969 .

[39]  H. Mori,et al.  Dynamic Critical Phenomena in Magnetic Systems. II Electrical Resistivity near the Néel Point , 1969 .

[40]  K. Kawasaki Decay rate of concentration fluctuation of a binary mixture in the non-hydrodynamical regime , 1969 .

[41]  M. Suzuki,et al.  Critical Slowing Down in the Kinetic Ising Model , 1969 .

[42]  M. D. Leener,et al.  Irreversibility in heisenberg spin systems. III. Kinetic equations for the autocorrelation function at finite temperature , 1969 .

[43]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Hydrodynamic Theory of Spin Waves , 1969 .

[44]  G. Arcòvito,et al.  Shear Viscosity of the Binary System Aniline-Cyclohexane Near the Critical Point , 1969 .

[45]  F. Schwabl,et al.  On the hydrodynamics of antiferromagnets , 1970 .

[46]  Robert B. Griffiths,et al.  Dependence of Critical Indices on a Parameter , 1970 .

[47]  Masuo Suzuki On the Singularity of Dynamical Response and Critical Slowing Down , 1970 .

[48]  I. Rudnick,et al.  Attenuation of First Sound Near the Lambda Transition of Liquid Helium , 1970 .

[49]  T. J. Moran,et al.  Sound propagation near magnetic phase transitions , 1970 .

[50]  P. Resibois,et al.  Temperature dependence of the linewidth in critical spin fluctuation , 1970 .

[51]  B. Alder,et al.  Decay of the Velocity Autocorrelation Function , 1970 .

[52]  Kyozi Kawasaki,et al.  Kinetic equations and time correlation functions of critical fluctuations , 1970 .


[54]  W. Rehwald Anomalous ultrasonic attenuation at the 105°K transition in strontium titanate , 1970 .

[55]  R. A. Ferrell Decoupled-Mode Dynamical Scaling Theory of the Binary-Liquid Phase Transition , 1970 .

[56]  V. K. Wong,et al.  Parafluidity in helium near the λ-transition and the generalized time-dependent Landau theory , 1970 .

[57]  J. Villain Time dependent longitudinal spin pair correlation in isotropic antiferromagnets , 1970 .

[58]  H. Wagner On dynamic scaling for isotropic magnets in the paramagnetic critical region , 1970 .

[59]  Theoretical estimates for the decay rates of the entropy and order parameter fluctuations in He I near the λ point , 1970 .

[60]  P. Arquès Modèle de fonction aléatoire de couverture applicable aux phénomènes de filiation à base poissonnienne , 1971 .

[61]  A. Guttmann,et al.  Lattice-lattice scaling and the generalized law of corresponding states , 1971 .

[62]  J. M. Hastings,et al.  Quantitative Analysis of Inelastic Scattering in Two-Crystal and Three-Crystal Neutron Spectrometry; Critical Scattering from RbMnF 3 , 1971 .

[63]  S. Takada Resistive Anomalies at Magnetic Critical Points , 1971 .

[64]  P. Pfeuty,et al.  The Ising model with a transverse field. II. Ground state properties , 1971 .

[65]  M. Salamon,et al.  Specific Heat and Resistivity Near the Order-Disorder Transition in β-Brass , 1971 .

[66]  B. Halperin,et al.  Onset of Superconductivity in One-Dimensional Systems , 1971 .

[67]  D. Huber EPR linewidths in RbMnF3 and MnF2 , 1971 .

[68]  A. Gottlieb,et al.  Nuclear-Resonance Studies of Critical Fluctuations in Fe F 2 above T N , 1971 .

[69]  H. Yahata Critical Relaxation of Stochastic lsing Model , 1971 .

[70]  R. Kahn,et al.  Étude de la diffusion critique des neutrons par le fer dans les régions « hydrodynamique » et « quasi hydrodynamique » , 1971 .

[71]  Shang‐keng Ma,et al.  Calculation of Dynamic Critical Properties Using Wilson's Expansion Methods , 1972 .

[72]  Kenneth G. Wilson,et al.  Feynman graph expansion for critical exponents , 1972 .

[73]  R. A. Ferrell,et al.  Decoupled-Mode Theory of Critical Viscosity and Diffusion in the Binary-Liquid Phase Transition , 1972 .

[74]  D. Stauffer,et al.  Universality of Second-Order Phase Transitions: The Scale Factor for the Correlation Length , 1972 .

[75]  K. Levin,et al.  Thermoelectric Anomaly Near a Critical Point , 1972 .

[76]  Dynamical Behavior of He3-He4 Mixtures near the Tricritical Point , 1972 .

[77]  Critical Slowing Down in the Kinetic Ising Model; Evidence for the Failure of the Dynamical Scaling Hypothesis , 1972 .

[78]  R. A. Ferrell,et al.  Critical Viscosity and Diffusion in the Binary-Liquid Phase Transition , 1972 .

[79]  Michael E. Fisher,et al.  Critical Exponents in 3.99 Dimensions , 1972 .

[80]  K. Kawasaki,et al.  Vertex Correction Contribution to the Decay Rate of Concentration Fluctuations in Binary Liquid Critical Mixtures , 1972 .

[81]  F. Wegner Corrections to scaling laws , 1972 .

[82]  P. G. de Gennes,et al.  Exponents for the excluded volume problem as derived by the Wilson method , 1972 .

[83]  K. Kawasaki,et al.  Nonlocal Shear Viscosity and Order-Parameter Dynamics near the Critical Point of Fluids , 1972 .

[84]  G. Winterling,et al.  Light scattering from first and second sound near the lambda transition in liquid He , 1973 .

[85]  H. C. Teh,et al.  Neutron-Scattering Observations of Critical Slowing Down of an Ising System , 1973 .

[86]  Master-Equation Approach to Dynamic Critical Phenomena Using Wilson's ε-Expansion , 1973 .

[87]  D. Greywall,et al.  Second-sound velocity and superfluid density in $sup 4$He under pressure near T/sub lambda/ , 1973 .

[88]  I. Zorić,et al.  Thermopower Anomaly in Gd Ni 2 : Spin Scattering Model Versus Static Entropy Model , 1973 .

[89]  J. Villain Spin waves in the one- or two-dimensional classical Heisenberg ferromagnet with a hard magnetization axis , 1973 .

[90]  Masuo Suzuki,et al.  Calculation of Critical Slowing Down Exponent Using Wilson's Expansion Methods , 1973 .

[91]  F. Wegner,et al.  Logarithmic Corrections to the Molecular-Field Behavior of Critical and Tricritical Systems , 1973 .

[92]  C. Hohenemser,et al.  Critical Fluctuations in Ni above the Curie Point , 1973 .

[93]  H. Swinney,et al.  Dynamics of Fluids near the Critical Point: Decay Rate of Order-Parameter Fluctuations , 1973 .

[94]  D. Amit,et al.  The Wilson theory and the Ginzburg critical region , 1973 .

[95]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Time-dependent fluctuations in spin systems in d dimensions , 1973 .

[96]  Shang‐keng Ma Introduction to the renormalization group , 1973 .

[97]  J. Swift,et al.  Dynamics near the tricritical point of a3He-4He mixture , 1973 .

[98]  Robert Schrader,et al.  Axioms for Euclidean Green's functions II , 1973 .

[99]  Masuo Suzuki Critical behavior of the stochastic spherical model , 1973 .

[100]  Rigorous Inequalities for the Spin-Relaxation Function in the Kinetic Ising Model , 1973 .

[101]  Kurt Binder,et al.  Monte Carlo Investigation of Dynamic Critical Phenomena in the Two-Dimensional Kinetic Ising Model , 1973 .

[102]  E. Stoll,et al.  Molecular-Dynamics Investigation of Structural Phase Transitions , 1973 .

[103]  D. J. Wallace,et al.  Feynman-Graph Expansion for the Equation of State near the Critical Point , 1973 .

[104]  Paul C. Martin,et al.  Statistical Dynamics of Classical Systems , 1973 .

[105]  F. Jähnig,et al.  Critical elastic constants and viscosities above a nematic-smectic a transition of second order , 1974 .

[106]  W. Berlinger,et al.  Critical Dynamics in Sr Tio 3 from Paramagnetic Resonance , 1974 .

[107]  Shang‐keng Ma,et al.  Sound waves near T c in a dynamic spherical model , 1974 .

[108]  T. Kasuya,et al.  Anomalous resistivity near Néel temperature due to the critical scattering: Antifferomagnet , 1974 .

[109]  T. Niemeyer,et al.  Wilson theory for 2-dimensional Ising spin systems , 1974 .

[110]  Perturbational Renormalization Group Approach to Critical Dynamics in Stochastic Models , 1974 .

[111]  Dynamic critical exponent of a Bose system to O( 1 n) , 1974 .

[112]  V. Pokrovskiǐ,et al.  The dynamics of two-dimensional planar magnets , 1974 .

[113]  T. Lubensky,et al.  On the analogy between smectic a liquid crystals and superconductors , 1974 .

[114]  M. Fisher,et al.  Spin Flop, Supersolids, and Bicritical and Tetracritical Points , 1974 .

[115]  M. Fisher,et al.  Crossover scaling functions for exchange anisotropy , 1974 .

[116]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Renormalization-Group Calculations of Divergent Transport Coefficients at Critical Points , 1974 .

[117]  L. Shacklette Specific heat and resistivity of iron near its Curie point , 1974 .

[118]  A Macroscopic Equation of Motion for the TDGL Model , 1974 .

[119]  W. L. Mcmillan Time-dependent Landau theory for the smectic- A -nematic phase transition , 1974 .

[120]  J. Straley,et al.  Physics of liquid crystals , 1974 .

[121]  D. Huber Spin dynamics near magnetic bicritical points , 1974 .

[122]  Tom C. Lubensky,et al.  First-order phase transitions in superconductors and smectic-A liquid crystals , 1974 .

[123]  Hydrodynamics of easy-axis antiferromagnets in a magnetic field: Tricritical behavior , 1974 .

[124]  R. Folk,et al.  EPR in SrTiO3: Dynamical or dirt effect? , 1974 .

[125]  P. C. Hohenberg,et al.  Renormalization-group methods for critical dynamics: I. Recursion relations and effects of energy conservation , 1974 .

[126]  Critical Dynamics in Bose Systems , 1974 .

[127]  N. A. Lurie,et al.  Computer studies of spin and energy transport in one-dimensional Heisenberg magnets , 1974 .

[128]  John B. Miller,et al.  Light scattering from thermal second sound in liquid 4He near the λ-transition and at 1.9 atmospheres , 1974 .

[129]  Critical Relaxation of a Non-Linear Fokker-Planck Equation , 1974 .

[130]  Exciton-magnon cross excitation in the mixed substitutional system KMn 1-x Co x F 3 , 1974 .

[131]  Michael E. Fisher,et al.  The renormalization group in the theory of critical behavior , 1974 .

[132]  M. Månson Spin diffusion in Heisenberg Ferromagnets in the high temperature limit , 1974 .

[133]  T. Kasuya,et al.  Anomalous resistivity near curie temperature due to the critical scattering , 1974 .

[134]  W. Gelbart,et al.  Shear viscosity and order parameter dynamics of fluids near the critical point , 1974 .

[135]  Critical Exponent of Thermal Conductivity above λ-Transition , 1974 .

[136]  S. Hikami,et al.  Quantum effect, critical dynamics and one-particle excitation in 1/n expansion , 1974 .

[137]  Critical behavior of cross‐transport coefficients , 1974 .

[138]  Masuo Suzuki,et al.  Dynamic scaling laws and ϵ-expansion in Bose systems , 1974 .

[139]  M. Béal-monod II. Locally enhanced spin fluctuations viewed within the Wilson theory. Comparison with the Kondo problem , 1974 .

[140]  T. Riste Anharmonic lattices, structural transitions and melting , 1974 .

[141]  L. Mistura Critical behavior of transport coefficients in multicomponent fluid mixtures , 1975 .

[142]  Tormod Riste,et al.  Fluctuations, Instabilities, and Phase Transitions , 1975 .

[143]  A. Young Quantum effects in the renormalization group approach to phase transitions , 1975 .

[144]  Critical Dynamics of Isotropic Antiferromagnets in 4 − ε Dimensions , 1975 .

[145]  C. Dominicis,et al.  A Lagrangian version of Halperin-Hohenberg-Ma models for the dynamics of critical phenomena , 1975 .

[146]  K. Maki,et al.  Renormalizability of Paramagnon Theories , 1975 .

[147]  Renormalization Group Equations in Critical Dynamics. I Isotropic Heisenberg Ferromagnet , 1975 .

[148]  Z. Rácz On the difference between linear and nonlinear critical slowing down , 1975 .

[149]  J. D. Cloizeaux,et al.  The Lagrangian theory of polymer solutions at intermediate concentrations , 1975 .

[150]  Jean Zinn-Justin,et al.  Field-theoretic techniques and critical dynamics. I. Ginzburg-Landau stochastic models without energy conservation , 1975 .

[151]  K. Wilson The renormalization group: Critical phenomena and the Kondo problem , 1975 .

[152]  C. Bagnuls,et al.  Linewidth in exchange anisotropic paramagnets at the critical point , 1975 .

[153]  Critical dynamics of kinetic Ising models in four dimensions , 1975 .

[154]  J. Jortner,et al.  Metal-nonmetal transition in metal-ammonia solutions via the inhomogeneous transport regime , 1975 .

[155]  G. Deutscher,et al.  Anomalous spin-flip lifetime near the Heisenberg- ferromagnet critical point , 1975 .

[156]  Z. Rácz,et al.  Vacancy mechanism for Ising critical dynamics , 1975 .

[157]  F. Schwabl,et al.  Hydrodynamics of an n-component phonon system , 1975 .

[158]  B. Halperin Dynamic properties of the multicomponent Bose fluid , 1975 .

[159]  D. Stauffer Crossover scaling, correlation function and connectivity in dilute low temperature ferromagnets , 1975 .

[160]  A. Kollmar,et al.  Investigation of the central component of SrTiO3 by neutron scattering with eV resolution , 1975 .

[161]  E. Abrahams,et al.  Skeleton-graph approach to dynamical scaling , 1975 .

[162]  D. Stauffer Violation of Dynamical Scaling for Randomly Dilute Ising Ferromagnets near Percolation Threshold , 1975 .

[163]  M. Daoud,et al.  Solutions of Flexible Polymers. Neutron Experiments and Interpretation , 1975 .

[164]  Experimental determination of the Landau-Placzek ratio for liquid helium to the λ line , 1975 .

[165]  S. Shtrikman,et al.  Critical Behavior at the Onset of k --> -Space Instability on the lamda Line , 1975 .

[166]  Coherent Representation of Dynamical Renormalization Group in Bose Systems , 1975 .

[167]  W. L. Mcmillan,et al.  Static and dynamic behavior near a second-order smecticA— nematic phase transition by light scattering , 1975 .

[168]  M. Tinkham,et al.  Fluctuations near superconducting phase transitions , 1975 .

[169]  On the Critical Dynamics in Bose Systems and the Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Model , 1975 .

[170]  I. Peschel,et al.  Calculation of critical exponents in two dimensions from quantum field theory in one dimension , 1975 .

[171]  K. Binder,et al.  Theory for the dynamics of clusters near the critical point. I. Relaxation of the Glauber kinetic Ising model , 1975 .

[172]  H. Haken Cooperative phenomena in systems far from thermal equilibrium and in nonphysical systems , 1975 .

[173]  Critical transport anomalies in 4-ϵ and 6-ϵ dimensions , 1975 .

[174]  Shang‐keng Ma,et al.  Critical dynamics of ferromagnets in 6 − ε dimensions: General discussion and detailed calculation , 1975 .

[175]  L. Kadanoff Variational Principles and Approximate Renormalization Group Calculations , 1975 .

[176]  H. Janssen,et al.  Renormalized field theory of critical dynamics , 1976 .

[177]  J. Als-Nielsen,et al.  Neutron scattering from the Heisenberg ferromagnets EuO and EuS. III. Spin dynamics of EuO , 1976 .

[178]  N. Clark Pretransitional mechanical effects in a smectic-Aliquid crystal , 1976 .

[179]  David R. Nelson,et al.  Long-Time Tails and the Large-Eddy Behavior of a Randomly Stirred Fluid , 1976 .

[180]  Shang‐keng Ma,et al.  Renormalization-group methods for critical dynamics: II. Detailed analysis of the relaxational models , 1976 .

[181]  Critical dynamics of helium below T/subc/ , 1976 .

[182]  Linear and nonlinear critical slowing down in the kinetic Ising model: High-temperature series , 1976 .

[183]  S. Trimper On the dynamics of the Ashkin-Teller-Potts model , 1976 .

[184]  V. Dohm Dynamical spin-spin correlation function of an isotropic ferromagnet at Tc in 6-ϵ dimensions , 1976 .

[185]  Rayleigh Scattering and Critical Dynamics at Structural Phase Transitions in Perovskites , 1976 .

[186]  Linear and Nonlinear Critical Slowing Down in the Kinetic Ising Model , 1976 .

[187]  K. Murata Dynamics of a coupled-mode system: Explicit analysis at order ε 2 , 1976 .

[188]  On the Nonlinear Critical Slowing Down in the Stochastic Model , 1976 .

[189]  Kinetic theory of the critical behavior of transport coefficients in many-component Bose systems , 1976 .

[190]  Spin dynamics near bicritical points in uniaxial antiferromagnets , 1976 .

[191]  P. G. de Gennes,et al.  Dynamics of Entangled Polymer Solutions. I. The Rouse Model , 1976 .

[192]  C. Windsor,et al.  Theoretical and experimental studies on one-dimensional magnetic systems , 1976 .

[193]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Two-scale-factor universality and the renormalization group , 1976 .

[194]  U. Krey On the critical dynamics of a disordered system , 1976 .

[195]  John A. Hertz,et al.  Quantum critical phenomena , 1976 .

[196]  D. Huber,et al.  Critical spin dynamics in EuO , 1976 .

[197]  H. Janssen,et al.  Equation of motion and nonlinear response near the critical point , 1976 .

[198]  P. A. Fleury,et al.  Central-Peak Dynamics at the Ferroelectric Transition in Lead Germanate , 1976 .

[199]  Dietrich Stauffer,et al.  Statistical theory of nucleation, condensation and coagulation , 1976 .

[200]  J. W. Arthur,et al.  Observation of a central peak in lead germanite by light scattering , 1976 .

[201]  C. Quesne,et al.  Configuration-seniority spectral distributions in Ni62 , 1976 .

[202]  K. Kawasaki,et al.  Renormalization-group and mode-coupling theories of critical dynamics , 1976 .

[203]  T. Schneider,et al.  Quantum effects in an n -component vector model for structural phase transitions , 1976 .

[204]  R. Kubo,et al.  Nonlinearity in cooperative systems-dynamical Bethe-Ising model , 1976 .

[205]  M. Suzuki,et al.  Relationship between d-Dimensional Quantal Spin Systems and (d+1)-Dimensional Ising Systems: Equivalence, Critical Exponents and Systematic Approximants of the Partition Function and Spin Correlations , 1976 .

[206]  K. Murata Exponents for sound attenuation near critical points in solids , 1976 .

[207]  D. Huber Spin dynamics near the Lifshitz point , 1976 .

[208]  R. Kapral,et al.  Extended calculations of the anomalous Rayleigh linewidth and shear viscosity , 1976 .

[209]  Anharmonicity near structural phase transitions , 1976 .

[210]  M. Fisher,et al.  Scaling theory of nonlinear critical relaxation , 1976 .

[211]  Masuo Suzuki Linear and nonlinear dynamic scaling relations in the renormalization group theory , 1976 .

[212]  Vertex corrections to the shear viscosity critical exponent , 1976 .

[213]  Critical Behavior in Anisotropic Cubic Systems with Short-Range Interaction , 1976 .

[214]  N. G. van Kampen,et al.  Stochastic differential equations , 1976 .

[215]  G. Deutscher,et al.  Thermopower near a critical point , 1976 .

[216]  W. Goldburg,et al.  Electrical conductivity of binary mixtures near the critical point , 1976 .

[217]  Critical Dynamics of Planar Ferromagnet with a Small Basal Plane Anisotropy , 1976 .

[218]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Renormalization-group treatment of the critical dynamics of superfluid helium, the isotropic antiferromagnet, and the easy-plane ferromagnet , 1976 .

[219]  Hydrodynamical Behavior of Bose-Einstein Condensate near the Lambda Point , 1976 .

[220]  Mode Coupling Theory of Dynamic Critical Phenomena for Classical Liquids. I Dynamic Critical Exponents , 1976 .

[221]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Density-correlation function for liquid helium near T λ in the symmetric planar-spin model , 1976 .

[222]  I. Balberg,et al.  Critical behavior of the electrical resistivity in magnetic systems , 1976 .

[223]  G. Mazenko Effect of Nambu-Goldstone modes on wave-number- and frequency-dependent longitudinal correlation functions , 1976 .

[224]  K. Binder,et al.  Linear and nonlinear relaxation and cluster dynamics near critical points , 1976 .

[225]  C. Darlington,et al.  The central mode in the critical scattering of X-rays by SrTiO3 , 1976 .

[226]  Critical dynamics of isotropic antiferromagnets using renormalization-group methods:T≥TN , 1976 .

[227]  P. Hohenberg,et al.  Renormalization-group treatment of the critical dynamics of the binary-fluid and gas-liquid transitions , 1976 .

[228]  B. Halperin,et al.  Defects and the central peak near structural phase transitions , 1976 .

[229]  R. Oppermann On 1/n-expansions for the dynamics of structural phase transitions , 1976 .

[230]  K. Binder,et al.  Equation of state, Debye-Waller factor, and electrical resistivity of ferroelectrics near their critical point , 1976 .

[231]  P. Gennes Dynamics of Entangled Polymer Solutions. II. Inclusion of Hydrodynamic Interactions , 1976 .

[232]  Shang‐keng Ma Renormalization Group by Monte Carlo Methods , 1976 .

[233]  C. Bervillier Universal relations among critical amplitude. Calculations up to order epsilon2 for systems with continuous symmetry , 1976 .

[234]  T. Schneider,et al.  Molecular-dynamics study of structural-phase transitions. I. One-component displacement models , 1976 .

[235]  F. Vidal,et al.  Measurements of the dynamic structure factor near the lambda temperature in liquid helium , 1977 .

[236]  T. Ohta Multiplicative renormalization of the anomalous shear viscosity in classical liquids , 1977 .

[237]  R. Folk,et al.  Critical dynamics and statics of uniaxial dipolar magnets , 1977 .

[238]  E. Siggia,et al.  Tricritical dynamics near four dimensions , 1977 .

[239]  A. Ikushima,et al.  Thermal conductivities of 3He-4He mixtures on the lambda line at low 3He concentrations , 1977 .

[240]  Nonlinear critical dynamics of a spherical model , 1977 .

[241]  L. N. Durvasula,et al.  Nature of the Central-Peak Light Scattering in Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate , 1977 .

[242]  A. Ikushima,et al.  Dynamical scaling and ultrasonic attenuation in 4He near Tλ , 1977 .

[243]  J. Swift,et al.  Hydrodynamic fluctuations at the convective instability , 1977 .

[244]  T. Lubensky Scaling theory of phase transitions in diluted systems near the percolation threshold , 1977 .

[245]  Shang‐keng Ma,et al.  Dynamics of spins interacting with quenched random impurities , 1977 .

[246]  G. Grest Kinetic theory of transport coefficients near T c in a dynamic spherical model , 1977 .

[247]  Deviations from Dynamic Scaling in Helium and Antiferromagnets , 1977 .

[248]  P. Szépfalusy,et al.  Dynamic critical properties of a stochastic n-vector model , 1977 .

[249]  Critical dynamics of diluteHe3-He4mixtures , 1977 .

[250]  G. Ruppeiner,et al.  Ultrasonic propagation in3He-4He mixtures near the tricritical point , 1977 .

[251]  D. Scalapino,et al.  Critical properties of a two-dimensional planar model , 1977 .

[252]  Critical dynamics near dimension two for time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau models , 1977 .

[253]  W. Finger Critical dynamics of ferromagnets with both exchange-anisotropy and dipolar interaction☆ , 1977 .

[254]  Dynamic structure factor for a ferromagnet in the scaling region to first order in ε = 6 − d , 1977 .