TheStudy oftheControl onTheFirst Firing Cycle forReducing theColdStart Emissions in aLiquid Petrol GasSpark Ignition Engine

gHydrocarbon~ (UCanCroMoxie(Oemson. Th nvestigations about thecold-start ofgasoline engines inthe Hydrocarbon (HC)andCarbonMonoxide (CO)emissions. The latdcesApprbyHni 7isaedocceby quantity ofHC emissions isthecriterion ofoptimal excess air lastdecades. A paperbyHenein[7]isbasedoncycle-byfactorjudgment, howeverit doesnot givecompletecycle analysis ofcombustion andHC emissions during first understanding offuel-air mixing, combustion andemissions120cycles andwarm-up phase inafour-stroke V-6gasoline generation within thecylinder ofaSparkIgnition (SI) engineengine. Thepaper discusses theeffects oftheAir/Fuel ratio, during coldstart. Transient Nitric Oxide(NO)emissions, which ignition advanceangle, injection timeand misfire cangiveinformation aboutcombustion, canbean additionalg. g. criterion forjudging theoptimal excessairfactor. Thepresentcharactersic onHC emissions atcold-start. Neyachenko [8] paperinvestigated thecharacteristic ofthetransient NO studied anapproach fordeveloping acontrol algorithm for emissions ofthefirst firing cycle during coldstart inan fueldelivery atcoldstart basedon Aquino's fuelfilm electronic fuel injected SIengine fuelled withLiquid Petrol Gas dynamic model[9]. Rizzoni [10] documented theAir/Fuel (LPG). Thetransient NO emissions combining withtheHC and ratio close loopcontrol using cylinder pressure asfeedback at CO emissions during coldstart wereusedtoidentify the cold-start. Bielaczyc [11] reported theeffect onHC andCO combustion inthecylinder, andfoundtheoptimal spark angle andexcessairfactor ofthefirst firing cycle finally. Inpresentemisson atcol-star w th ee entalotemertue paper, forthefirst firing cycle, theoptimal spark angle was changed from220Cto-5°C. A comprehensive account ofthe 10°CABTDC,andtheexcess airfactor was0.53. Themethod HC sourcesandmechanisms oftheir formation andoxidation andresults inthispaper arehelpful foradjusting thecontrolisgiven byHeywood [12] andCheng[13]. Heneinand strategy toreduce total cold start emissions.