某升船机同步轴系统轴承噪声的故障分析与处理 Failure Analyse and Solution of Bearing Yawp in One Shiplift Synchronisation System

为解决某升船机运行时同步轴系统轴承噪声的问题,对轴承进行了拆检及振动分析,确认噪声的来源是轴承负荷未达到球面滚子轴承要求的最小负荷,滚子和滚道之间产生了滑动运动,最终通过减小轴承径向游隙,解决了轴承噪声问题。 To solve the bearing yawp in one shiplift synchronisation system, after checked and analyzed the bearing vibration, considered the yawp was caused by the bearing load less than the required minimum load, and resulted in the sliding between the roller and the retention frame, at last solved the problem by adjusting the bearing radial clearance to a less value.