An Introduction to Metamaterials and Waves in Composites

Elastodynamics, Acoustics, and Electrodynamics A note about notation Elastodynamics Acoustics Electrodynamics Plane Waves and Interfaces Plane wave solutions Plane wave solutions in elastodynamics Plane wave solutions in acoustics Plane wave solutions in electrodynamics Wave propagation through a slab Sources and Scattering Plane wave expansion of sources Single scattering from spheres Multiple scattering Electrodynamic Metamaterials A model for the permittivity of a medium Negative permittivity materials Artificial magnetic metamaterials Negative refraction and perfect lenses Acoustic and Elastodynamic Metamaterials Dynamic mass density Frequency-dependent moment of inertia Negative elastic moduli Band gaps, negative index and lenses Anisotropic density Willis materials in elastodynamics A Milton-Willis model material Extremal materials Transformation-Based Methods and Cloaking Transformations Cloaking of electrical conductivity Cloaking for electromagnetism Inertial acoustic cloaking Transformation-based cloaking in elastodynamics Acoustic metafluids and pentamode materials Waves in Periodic Media Periodic media and the Bloch condition Elastodynamics in the quasistatic limit Electromagnetic waves in the quasistatic limit Band gap phenomena in periodic composites Waves in Layered Media Wave equations in layered media Piecewise-constant multilayered media Smoothly varying layered media Propagator matrix approach Periodic layered media Quasistatic homogenization of layered media Epilogue References Index