30TH Annual Conference of the Military Testing Association Held in Arlington, Virginia on 27 November-2 December 1988

Abstract : These proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Military Testing Association document the presentations given at paper and panel sessions during the Conference. The papers represent a broad range of topics by contributors from the military, industrial, and educational communities both foreign and domestic. Major session topics include: Human factors; Leadership; Manpower trends; Occupational analysis; Testing; Military training. Keywords: Military personnel; Personnel management/selection/retention; Test methods; Achievement/Performance tests; Reduced oxygen conditions; Group dynamics; Combat readiness; Military psychology; Decision making; Officer personnel; Job analysis specialists; Computer applications; Psychometrics; Leadership prediction; Family members; Test construction psychology; Measures of effectiveness; Learning difficulties; Psychomotor tests; Computer aided instruction; On-the-job training; Foreign language/cognitive skills.