Flight production of Caliste-SO: the hard x-ray spectrometers for solar orbiter/STIX instrument

Caliste-SO are CdTe hybrid detectors that will be used as spectrometer units in the Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on-board the Solar Orbiter space mission. Each unit is placed below one collimator of this Fourier telescope to measure one visibility of the image in the 4-150 keV energy range, with a spectral resolution of 1 keV FWHM at 6 keV. The paper presents the scientific requirements, the design, the fabrication and the tests of the Caliste- SO devices before mounting them onto printed circuits boards. Spectral response was characterized on the 98 spacegrade units for various operating parameters. The devices will equip the different instrument validation models, including 32 units for the final instrument flight model to be launched in 2018.