Utilisation of network modelling in the operational management of water distribution systems
Abstract The paper presents an approach to the operational management of water distribution based on the application of network modelling. Practical focus is given to the so-called district metered area (DMA), or equivalently areas designated as `pressure zone', `waste zone' or `leakage district' which may constitute in the region of 1000–5000 properties. In the UK such supplies are now being monitored routinely (and continuously) for flow inputs and pressure, not least for active leakage management. Viable methods of network analysis and reporting from these data streams are illustrated, these employing conventional network (flow/pressure) modelling solutions in combination with geographic information systems (GIS). Applications of a complementary regression-based influence-matrix approach for internal pressure estimation are also presented. Both procedures are promoted for integration into information systems supporting the day-to-day operational management of water distribution systems.