Evaporation, Evapotranspiration and Climatic Data

Definitions of evapotranspiration and transpiration. Measurement of evapotranspiration. Estimating E or ET using climatic data. Atmospheric and Thermodynamic Parameters. Wind profiles and relationships. Thermodynamic parameters. Radiation. Solar radiation Rs. Net radiation_Rn. Soil heat flux. Soil Parameters. Soil water fundamentals. Soil water reference points. Soil water storage. Soil water influences on plant growth. Soil water movement. Soil water supply for evapotranspiration. Estimating Reference Crop ET. Sequence of calculations and flow charts. Potential ET and/or reference crop ET. Crop coefficients. Pemnan methods Penman-Monteith method. Radiation methods. Temperature methods. Radiation and temperature methods flow charts. Estimating reference ET using measured pan evaporation. Estimating ET for Specific Crops. ET using ETr. Botanic and cultural influences. Soil water and ET estimates. Crop curves. Grass-related crop coefficients. Alfalfa-related crop coefficients. Estimation of crop ET without formal Etr. Separate estimation of Es and T. Irrigation water requirements. Components of irrigation water requirements. Sources of water for crop growth. Soil water storage of natural precipitation. Non-growing season precipitation. Production, Vegetation and ET. Uses of production functions. Defining assumptions. Common models. Transferability issues. Sequence of calculations. Flow chart for estimating vegetative production. Evaporation from Water Surfaces. Methods. Comparisons and Example Calculations. Introduction. Example calculations. Chapter 2 examples. Chapter 4 examples. Chapter 5 examples. Chapter 7 examples. Property standards. Sun-earth relationships. Comparisons with standard values.