The effect of age and time of a 24-hour period on accidents at work in operators

Abstract The objective of the paper was to determine the effect of age, time of employment and time of accidents during the 24-work period, in a group of power industry operators. The data were obtained from the database of the Central Statistical Office. The accidents, which happened in Poland during the last six years (1997–2002), recorded in the Statistical Accident Card, were analysed. A group study of power industry operators is important from the strategic point of view as it determines safety of technological processes. Distribution of the injured was analysed in 4 age groups of ≤ 29, 30–39, 40–49, ≥ 50 years old subjects according to the number of hours worked on that work stand, the time of day and night and the time of employment. The number of accidents in power industry operators is connected with their age, time of the day and night and time of employment. The biggest number of accidents was reported in the group aged 40–49. Operators over 40 constitute a bigger percentage of victims in the morning than at night. There are also a bigger percentage of victims with the longest employment time (more than 20 years) in morning hours. Younger operators, below 29 years old more frequently become victims of accidents at night than in the morning. A bigger accident rate was also found in the workers with employment time shorter than 10 years. The results of the analysis may constitute the base for changes in time schedules in order to reduce accident risk.