Simultaneous Kinetics of Drops and Excitons in Silicon during the Drop Formation

Using an homogeneous excitation, the simultaneous kinetics of drop and exciton luminescence are measured during the initial regime of drop formation in silicon. Theoretical simulations of the exciton density developped, do not fit well the experimental lineshapes. From an analysis of the experimental curves, it is suggested that a coalescing effect of drops must be taken into account to improve the fit of the experimental kinetics by the theoretical model. En utilisant une excitation homogene, nous avons enregistre les cinetiques simultanees de la luminescence ďexcitons et de gouttes pendant la phase initiale de formation de gouttes dans le silicium. Les simulations theoriques de la densite ďexcitons ne s'ajustent pas bien sur les courbes experimentales. A partir d'une analyse de nos resultats experimentaux, nous suggerons qu'un effet de coalescence de gouttes doit ětre pris en consideration pour ameliorer ľaccord entre ľexperience et la theorie.