승용디젤엔진의 과도구간 입자상물질 저감 및 운전성능 향상을 위한 연료분사량 및 커먼레일압력 제어전략

This study proposes a control strategy of the common rail pressure with a fuel injection limitation algorithm to reduce particulate matter (PM) emissions under transient states. The proposed control strategy consists of two parts: injection quantity limitation and rail pressure adaptation. The injection limitation algorithm determines the maximum allowable fuel injection quantity to avoid rich combustion under transient states. The fuel injection quantity is limited by predicting the burned gas rate after combustion; however, the reduced injection quantity leads to deterioration of engine torque. The common rail pressure adaptation strategy is designed to compensate for the reduced engine torque. An increase of the rail pressure under transient states contributes to enhancement of the engine torque as well as reduction of PM emissions by promoting atomization of the injected fuel. The proposed control strategy is validated through engine experiments. The rail pressure adaptation reduced the PM emission by 5-10% and enhanced the engine torque up to 2.5%.