System and method for multimedia application by using metadata for sensory device

Multimedia application system of this invention is for controlling a peripheral sensory and reproducing apparatus such as color and the ambient light of the display device with the contents constituting the video content in that, the video can be watched on the multimedia application technique using the associated metadata in the sense reproduction apparatus in the process of configuring the metadata to, and includes a method for utilizing the sensory effect information (SEI) metadata for effectively controlling the sense and reproducing apparatus, by including method can be utilized based on the metadata ever tool and it features a high-quality consumer-oriented multimedia service according to the author's intent between the sense of fair play in video content production to final consumption. According to the present invention, it is possible to take advantage of the metadata for controlling the peripheral sensory and reproducing apparatus according to the content of the video content to enable the consumer the center of high-quality multimedia services provided according to the intention of the creator when sense reproduction. Metadata, SEI (Sensory Effect Information), UPI (User Preference Informarion), SDC (Sensory Device Commands), DCI (Device Capability Information)