Key management analysis of secure real time protocol version 2
Secure Real Time (SRT) is a protocol for ensuring confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation and resists of replay attacks for end-to-end messaging, specifically over instant messaging (chatting) networks. The SRT uses many cryptography keys with different algorithms and crypto period, but in the first version has not been managed to keep the key protected during its lifecycle. In this paper, we describe the results of key management of SRT protocol by considering the system requirements, recommendations and opinions of key management observers. In addition to identifying the keys involved, we determine the key management policy. In addition to identifying the SRT stage in each key management life cycle phase, we add stages that are not yet present in SRT. Accordingly, the contribution of this paper is to provide the key management analysis results of the previous SRT protocol, which is to produce the protocol design of SRT version 2 and its key management policy.