Requirements Analysis for a Universal System Architecture for Ecological and Economical Driver Assistance Systems

Energy efficiency gain is becoming more and more important in present-day and future mobility against the background of increasing energy costs and emission regulations. Ecological Advanced Driver Assistance Systems can contribute to increasing the energy efficiency by providing advanced ecological assistance functions. Focusing on the systematic networking of vehicular functions, especially the power train and driver assistance systems seems to be a promising approach to be able to realize the desired advanced ecological assistance functions. A universal system architecture is proposed as a basis for the development of a wide range of networked ecological assistance functions. The main requirement for the eco\(_2\)DAS system architecture is the universal applicability and scalability to different vehicle and propulsion system types. Based on an energy-consumption influence analysis and basic use-case scenarios for ecological support, a Functional Analysis Architecture is derived. This architecture view describes the overall system functionalities, their structure and the information flows. The system functionalities are summarized in discrete modules and the requirements for these modules are described. The functional overview based on Functional Analysis Architecture and the module requirements are the basis further concretization and implementation of exemplary eco functions.