Tai-ji ID Automatic Closed-Loop Identification Package for Model Based Process Control

Abstract Tai-Ji ID is an identification software that carries out identification automatically from test design to model validation. Data collected from both open-loop and closed-loop operations can be used. Tai-Ji ID is developed for model based process control such as model predictive control (MPC) and linear robust control. Special attention is paid to deal with industrial processes which have complex dynamics, high disturbance level and many process variables. Tai-Ji ID is based on the so called ASYM method of identification. Tai-Ji ID is designed for process control engineers and process engineers who are involved in model based process control and monitoring. No specific knowledge on process identification is required in order to use Tai-Ji ID. On the other hand, users' knowledge on process unit operation can be incorporated in data preparation step and in model validation step during a Tai-Ji ID session.