Physiological Quality of Rice Seeds Stored in Different Environments and Packages

Aims: Evaluate the physiological quality of rice seeds during storage in different packages and environments, identifying the best condition to conserve the seeds. Study Design: Completely randomized with four replicates. Place and Duration of Study: Plant Science Laboratory and Genetics Laboratory of the Federal University of Piauí, Bom Jesus-PI, from April to October 2016. Methodology: Seeds of rice were stored for 180 days in plastic bottles, kraft paper packaging, trifoliate paper packaging and polyethylene bags in cold and humid chamber (10°C and 85% RH), in a temperature controlled environment (25°C) and in an uncontrolled environment (21-36.4°C and 30-67% RH). The water content and vigor characteristics (first counting germination and germination speed index and electrical conductivity) were evaluated before (control), and at 90 and 180 days of storage, additional tests were also evaluated during these periods the Absolute growth rate of the Original Research Article Silva et al.; JEAI, 23(2): 1-9, 2018; Article no.JEAI.41191