The Relationship Between Electricity Price and Wind Power Generation in Danish Electricity Markets

The western Danish power system is currently the grid area in the world that has the largest share of wind power in its generation profiles, with more than 20% of its annual consumption generated by wind turbines. In this paper, the western Danish power system, which may represent the future of competitive electricity markets in some ways, is chosen as the studied power system. The relationship between the electricity price (both the spot price and the regulation price) and the wind power generation in an electricity market is investigated in this paper. The spot price, the down regulation price and the up regulation price generally decreases when the wind power penetration in the power system increases. The statistical characteristics of the spot price for different wind power penetration are analyzed. The findings of this paper may be useful for wind power generation companies to make the optimal bidding strategy and may be also useful for the optimal operation of modern power systems with high wind power penetrations.