Challenges in Testing of Cloud Based Application

Cloud computing is emerged as new technology in organization and cooperates. To successfully provide cloud services and sharing of resources, the cloud must be tested before came into service. Cloud testing is a form of testing in which web applications uses cloud computing environment and infrastructure to simulate real world user traffic by using cloud technologies and solutions . The Cloud computing gives the way to obtain computing resources, and also provide a new direction to manage and deliver computing solutions, technologies, and services .Every New technology have lots of challenges attached with it . Similarly Cloud-based testing also provides a set of challenges, such as lack of standards and data security, especially in the public cloud model. Cloud computing provides an opportunity to offer testing as a service (TaaS) for clouds and SaaS. Cloud computing also identify new challenges, issues and needs in software testing, generally in cloud-based applications and testing clouds. This paper focuses on testing challenges of the cloud that is being faced by cloud service provider. It also examines the major needs, challenges, and issues in testing cloud-based software applications.