On the implementation issues of a parallel expert system

Abstract Recent progress in computing hardware technology has resulted in advances in the development of parallel computer systems. This new generation of computers offers advanced architectures and technologies for many AI applications. A new subfield of AI, called Distributed Artificial Intelligence, has emerged which is concerned with the co-operation solution of problems by a decentralized and loosely coupled collection of intelligent agents. In the paper, a parallel expert system called HOPES (Hierarchically Organized Parallel Expert System), is introduced. The system structure and multiblackboard architecture are presented and discussed. The focus of the paper will be on the implementation issues of the HOPES system. Although the so-called second generation expert systems technology has been around for some time, relatively little research effort has been put on implementing such systems. Thus, a major purpose of the paper is to provide general guidelines for implementations of parallel knowledge-based systems. The authors are concerned with two categories of hardware structures. First, multiprocessor system with common memory. Second, multiprocessor system without common memory. This paper will reveal some very important implementation problems and discuss key issues which are believed to be essential for implementing parallel/distributed knowledge-based systems.

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