X-ray spectroscopy of the ultrasoft transient 4U 1543 - 47

The X-ray transient 4U 1543 - 47 was observed in August 1983 by the Exosat observatory near the maximum of an outburst. The X-ray spectrum was measured using a gas scintillation proportional counter (GSPC) and a transmission grating spectrometer (TGS). A broad (FWHM about 2.7 keV) line at 5.9 keV is detected in the GSPC, which is interpreted as a redshifted and broadened iron K-alpha line. The line broadening and redshift may arise from either Compton scattering in a cool plasma with small optical depth and/or from Droppler and relativistic effects in the vicinity of compact object. The spectrum below 2 keV, obtained with the TGS, shows evidence for a broad emission feature at 0.74 keV, which may be an iron L-transition complex. However, such an emission feature could be an artifact caused by an anomalously low interstellar absorption by neutral oxygen. The contimuum emission is extremely soft and is well described by an unsaturated Comptonized spectrum from very cool plasma (kT = 0.84 keV) with large scattering depth. 30 refs.