Proyecto pedagógico para el aprendizaje de prácticas bucales saludables con niños y niñas escolarizados entre 8 y 10 años * Pedagogical Project for Learning of Healthy Dental Practices with School Children between 8 and 10 Years Old

The aim of this research is to develop a pedagogical project for learning of healthy oral practices with third graders of the school Alfonso Jaramillo Gutierrez in the city of Pereira. The methodology used was pedagogy by projects, supported by playful strategies as an essential tool that seeks the construction of meaningful learning. The results were positive, since active participation by children was accomplished, they also demonstrated an understanding to relate the subjects taught and showed interest in applying oral health practices to their every- day lives. As a conclusion, pedagogical project metho- dology allowed to reinforce and build learning through the planning of a flexible project that took into account the previous knowledge of community.