Cell-based Architecture for Adaptive Wiring Panels: A First Approach

We present a first approach for developing the concept of a manifold of adaptive wiring cells connected as a single overall Adaptive Wiring Panel (AWP). The main use of the AWP is related to affordable plug-and-play space applications but the concept can be used for different applications. A reconfigurable switch fabric enables dynamic routing of signals and power; thus power, digital, and analog signals can be routed for space systems. This concept can also be applied to terrestrial applications such as aircraft wiring and ground-based systems, for example dynamic routing of media such as light or fluids is also possible using the same fundamental switch architecture. The AWP is a manifold of adaptive wiring cells cast as a single overall panel. The panel is a pegboard-like structure, which does not articulate specific sockets, but rather provides a continuous grid of contact pads and mechanical mounting holes. Implementation is based on three basic elements: (i) cell units (CU), (ii) a cell management unit (CMU), and (iii) modules. CUs are the minimum independent units of the AWP, each with interconnections and links with other cells to form the switch fabric by which we wire components to each other. The CMU talks independently with all CUs and manages the wiring path and panel switch connections. Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) is the protocol used for all the communications. Finally, modules are the “widgets” that make up components to be wired (e.g. power supplies, gyros, thermistors, resistors, LEDs, etc.). The modules can be plugged at any orientation, which is detected by the CUs. We present the results related to the current compact version of the AWP based on 5x5cm cell units. Some of the advantages of this version are the elimination of internal cables and the inclusion of I²C repeaters.