[연구논문]본질안전방폭용 BARRIER에 관한 연구
Intrinsic safety is generally considered the safest method of operting electrical instrumention in potentially explosive atmospheres. The method of intrinsic safety limits the energy passing into the hazardus area. The energy limitaion is provided by the use of safety barriers which are mounted in the safe area. Because of the energy limitation, regardless of the fault in the hazardous area, sufficient energy cannot be released to ignite the explosive atmosphere. The following industries are known to have hazardous locations: chemical, munitions, petrochemical, auto(paint spray booths), grain, waste water, printing, distillers, pharmaceutical, breweries, cosmetics, and utilities. In this paper, a isolator type barrier for ship(LNG, LPG, etc.) and test equipment confidence are proposed. The test equipments are designed for mechanical·electrical life time test and vibration. All of test results satisfy the goal and the studied barrier shows the improved confidence.