Bayesian Inference for Correlations in the Presence of Measurement Error and Estimation Uncertainty

Whenever parameter estimates are uncertain or observations are contaminated by measurement error, the Pearson correlation coefficient can severely underestimate the true strength of an association. Various approaches exist for inferring the correlation in the presence of estimation uncertainty and measurement error, but none are routinely applied in psychological research. Here we focus on a Bayesian hierarchical model proposed by Behseta, Berdyyeva, Olson, and Kass (2009) that allows researchers to infer the underlying correlation between error-contaminated observations. We show that this approach may be also applied to obtain the underlying correlation between uncertain parameter estimates as well as the correlation between uncertain parameter estimates and noisy observations. We illustrate the Bayesian modeling of correlations with two empirical data sets; in each data set, we first infer the posterior distribution of the underlying correlation and then compute Bayes factors to quantify the evidence that the data provide for the presence of an association.

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