Human Development: A Life-Span View

Balanced coverage of the entire life span is just one thing that distinguishes HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: A LIFE-SPAN VIEW, 5TH EDITION. With its comprehensive, succinct, and applied coverage, the text has proven its ability to capture students' interest while introducing them to the issues, forces, and outcomes that make us who we are. Robert V. Kail's expertise in childhood and adolescence, combined with John C. Cavanaugh's extensive research in gerontology, result in a book with a rich description of all life-span stages and important topics. A modified chronological approach traces development in sequential order from conception through late life, while also dedicating several chapters to key topical issues. This organization also allows the book to be relatively briefer than other texts?a benefit given the enormous amount of information covered in the course. Benefits: NEW! Up-to-date findings and references introduce students to the perspectives of those who are currently shaping the field and those who pioneered it. New examples include a greater number of diversity examples to appeal to the broadest possible range of students: a diversity theme index is in the back of the book. Real People: Applying Human Development boxes illustrate how a development issue is manifested in the life of a real person. Examples include "Tell Me About a Girl That You Like A Lot and "Still Flying at 91." NEW! Read about the latest research insights?Current findings and references introduce you to the perspectives of those who are currently shaping the field and those who pioneered it. NEW! Study smarter?Learning Objectives (listed at the beginning of each major section and repeated as subheads throughout the section) help you study more efficiently by focusing your attention on important upcoming topics. NEW! Build critical thinking skills painlessly?Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, texting, and other current topics make the book's Think About It questio