Description of the Chinese-to-Spanish Rule-Based Machine Translation System Developed Using a Hybrid Combination of Human Annotation and Statistical Techniques

Two of the most popular Machine Translation (MT) paradigms are rule based (RBMT) and corpus based, which include the statistical systems (SMT). When scarce parallel corpus is available, RBMT becomes particularly attractive. This is the case of the Chinese--Spanish language pair. This article presents the first RBMT system for Chinese to Spanish. We describe a hybrid method for constructing this system taking advantage of available resources such as parallel corpora that are used to extract dictionaries and lexical and structural transfer rules. The final system is freely available online and open source. Although performance lags behind standard SMT systems for an in-domain test set, the results show that the RBMT’s coverage is competitive and it outperforms the SMT system in an out-of-domain test set. This RBMT system is available to the general public, it can be further enhanced, and it opens up the possibility of creating future hybrid MT systems.

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