Effect of the elastase inhibitor eglin C in porcine endotoxin shock.

We wanted to demonstrate that the neutrophil elastase inhibitor eglin C reduces the loss of intravascular protein in endotoxin (LPS) shock and that effective concentrations are present in lymph. We used 45 anesthetized miniature pigs in a randomized, controlled trial. LPS 10 micrograms/kg/hr was given for 6 hr. Recombinant eglin C was given before LPS (250 nmol/kg) and continuously at 250 nmol/kg/hr (n = 18); septic controls received saline (n = 18); nine nonseptic controls were used. Eglin C significantly reduced the loss of intravascular protein (plasma volume times plasma protein concentration) from -0.79 g/kg in septic controls to 0.42 g/kg in eglin C-treated animals and reduced plasma concentration of neutrophil elastase, bound to the leukocyte neutral protease inhibitor (LNPI), but systemic hypotension was unchanged. Six additional pigs were anesthetized, prepared with a thoracic lymph fistula, and received eglin C at 475 nmol/kg/hr; three received saline; three received LPS. Eglin C concentrations in lymph were comparable to those in plasma. We conclude that eglin C reduced the loss of intravascular protein during LPS shock and attained effective concentrations in lymph.