The Rock Physics Handbook: Contents

[1]  D. A. Dunnett Classical Electrodynamics , 2020, Nature.

[2]  S. Shapiro,et al.  Generalization of Gassmann equations for porous media saturated with a solid material , 2007 .

[3]  J. Carcione,et al.  Cross-property relations between electrical conductivity and the seismic velocity of rocks , 2007 .

[4]  B. Gurevich,et al.  Dynamic permeability of porous rocks and its seismic signatures , 2007 .

[5]  M. Gutierrez,et al.  Calibration and ranking of pore-pressure prediction models , 2006 .

[6]  Mark Chapman,et al.  The influence of fluid-sensitive dispersion and attenuation on AVO analysis , 2006 .

[7]  Nasser M. Nasrabadi,et al.  Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning , 2006, Technometrics.

[8]  J. Dvorkin,et al.  Resistivity-velocity transforms revisited , 2006 .

[9]  B. Gurevich,et al.  Effective hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity of randomly heterogeneous porous solids with compressible constituents , 2006 .

[10]  X. Garcia,et al.  Hysteresis effects studied by numerical simulations: Cyclic loading-unloading of a realistic sand model , 2006 .

[11]  J. Dvorkin,et al.  Modeling attenuation in reservoir and nonreservoir rock , 2006 .

[12]  T. Brocher Empirical relations between elastic wavespeeds and density in the Earth's crust , 2005 .

[13]  Boris Gurevich,et al.  Wave-induced fluid flow in random porous media: attenuation and dispersion of elastic waves. , 2005, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

[14]  B. Gurevich,et al.  A first-order statistical smoothing approximation for the coherent wave field in random porous media , 2005 .

[15]  Robert Tibshirani,et al.  The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, 2nd Edition , 2001, Springer Series in Statistics.

[16]  H. Makse,et al.  Fluctuations and the effective moduli of an isotropic, random aggregate of identical, frictionless spheres , 2005, cond-mat/0502647.

[17]  H. Makse,et al.  Granular packings: nonlinear elasticity, sound propagation, and collective relaxation dynamics. , 2004, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[18]  C. Skelt Fluid substitution in laminated sands , 2004 .

[19]  R. Prioul,et al.  Nonlinear rock physics model for estimation of 3D subsurface stress in anisotropic formations: Theory and laboratory verification , 2004 .

[20]  B. Gurevich A simple derivation of the effective stress coefficient for seismic velocities in porous rocks , 2004 .

[21]  Tor Arne Johansen,et al.  The acoustic signature of fluid flow in complex porous media , 2003 .

[22]  A. Bakulin,et al.  Effective anisotropy of layered media , 2003 .

[23]  I. Fabricius How burial diagenesis of chalk sediments controls sonic velocity and porosity , 2003 .

[24]  A. Bakulin Intrinsic and layer‐induced vertical transverse isotropy , 2003 .

[25]  Mark Chapman,et al.  Frequency‐dependent anisotropy due to meso‐scale fractures in the presence of equant porosity , 2003 .

[26]  John A. Hudson,et al.  T-matrix approach to shale acoustics , 2003 .

[27]  G. McMechan,et al.  Correlations between seismic parameters, EM parameters, and petrophysical/petrological properties for sandstone and carbonate at low water saturations , 2003 .

[28]  R. Kranz,et al.  Anisotropic inversion of seismic data for stressed media: Theory and a physical modeling study on Berea Sandstone , 2003 .

[29]  D. Dewhurst,et al.  Saturation, pore pressure and effective stress from sandstone acoustic properties , 2003 .

[30]  Mark Chapman,et al.  Derivation of a microstructural poroelastic model , 2002 .

[31]  Zhijing Wang Seismic anisotropy in sedimentary rocks, part 1: A single‐plug laboratory method , 2002 .

[32]  P. Jilek,et al.  Converted PS-wave Reflection Coefficients in Weakly Anisotropic Media , 2002 .

[33]  L. Vernik,et al.  Estimation of net-to-gross from P and S impedance in deepwater turbidites , 2002 .

[34]  T. Spanos,et al.  The Thermophysics of Porous Media , 2001 .

[35]  H. W. Swan,et al.  Geopressure prediction from automatically‐derived seismic velocities , 2001 .

[36]  Subhashis Mallick,et al.  AVO and elastic impedance , 2001 .

[37]  G. McMechan,et al.  Empirical estimation of viscoelastic seismic parameters from petrophysical properties of sandstone , 2001 .

[38]  Daniel Moos,et al.  Feasibility Study of the Stability of Openhole Multilaterals, Cook Inlet, Alaska , 2001 .

[39]  Per Horsrud,et al.  Estimating Mechanical Properties of Shale From Empirical Correlations , 2001 .

[40]  V. D. L. Cruz,et al.  Seismic wave propagation in inhomogeneous and anisotropic porous media , 2001 .

[41]  Ilya Tsvankin,et al.  Seismic Signatures and Analysis of Reflection Data in Anisotropic Media , 2001 .

[42]  M. Landrø,et al.  Shear-wave elastic impedance , 2000 .

[43]  S. Bojinski,et al.  An approach to upscaling for seismic waves in statistically isotropic heterogeneous elastic media , 2000 .

[44]  A. Bakulin,et al.  Estimation of fracture parameters from reflection seismic data—Part I: HTI model due to a single fracture set , 2000 .

[45]  Paul W. J. Glover,et al.  A modified Archie’s law for two conducting phases , 2000 .

[46]  Schwartz,et al.  Packing of compressible granular materials , 2000, Physical review letters.

[47]  John A. Hudson,et al.  Elastic properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments using effective medium theory , 2000 .

[48]  H. Makse,et al.  Why Effective Medium Theory Fails in Granular Materials , 1999, cond-mat/9911110.

[49]  Emil Wolf,et al.  Principles of Optics: Contents , 1999 .

[50]  J. Hudson,et al.  Effective elastic properties of heavily faulted structures , 1999 .

[51]  Tapan Mukerji,et al.  Near and far offset impedances: Seismic attributes for identifying lithofacies and pore fluids , 1998 .

[52]  Peter Hubral,et al.  Elastic Waves in Random Media: Fundamentals of Seismic Stratigraphic Filtering , 1998 .

[53]  Boris Gurevich,et al.  Dynamic poroelasticity of thinly layered structures , 1998 .

[54]  V. Vavryčuk,et al.  PP-wave reflection coefficients in weakly anisotropic elastic media , 1998 .

[55]  C. Sondergeld,et al.  Kelvin Notation for Stabilizing Elastic-Constant Inversion , 1998 .

[56]  K. Helbig,et al.  A Formalism for the Consistent Description of Non-Linear Elasticity of Anisotropic Media , 1998 .

[57]  P. Rasolofosaon Stress-Induced Seismic Anisotropy Revisited , 1998 .

[58]  J. Berryman,et al.  Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity of Granular Media: Stress-Induced Anisotropy of a Random Sphere Pack , 1998 .

[59]  Vladimir Grechka,et al.  3-D description of normal moveout in anisotropic inhomogeneous media , 1998 .

[60]  Andreas Rüger,et al.  Variation of P-wave reflectivity with offset and azimuth in anisotropic media , 1998 .

[61]  V. Vavryčuk,et al.  Weak Contrast PP Wave Displacement R/T Coefficients in Weakly Anisotropic Elastic Media , 1998 .

[62]  Simon L. Klemperer,et al.  Ophiolitic basement to the Great Valley forearc basin, California, from seismic and gravity data: Implications for crustal growth at the North American continental margin , 1997 .

[63]  S. Shapiro,et al.  Poroelastic Backus averaging for anisotropic layered fluid‐ and gas‐saturated sediments , 1997 .

[64]  Gary Mavko,et al.  The effect of a percolation threshold in the Kozeny‐Carman relation , 1997 .

[65]  M. Prasad,et al.  Effects of pore and differential pressure on compressional wave velocity and quality factor in Berea and Michigan sandstones , 1997 .

[66]  Ilya Tsvankin,et al.  Anisotropic parameters and P-wave velocity for orthorhombic media , 1997 .

[67]  Andreas Rüger,et al.  P-wave reflection coefficients for transversely isotropic models with vertical and horizontal axis of symmetry , 1997 .

[68]  J. Berryman,et al.  Analysis of Thomsen parameters for finely layered VTI media , 1997 .

[69]  H. Makse,et al.  Nonlinear elasticity of granular media , 1997 .

[70]  Amos Nur,et al.  Elasticity of high‐porosity sandstones: Theory for two North Sea data sets , 1996 .

[71]  S. Shapiro,et al.  Elastic waves in finely layered sediments : The equivalent medium and generalized O'Doherty-Anstey formulas , 1996 .

[72]  P. Sahay Elastodynamics of deformable porous media , 1996, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[73]  R. Carlson,et al.  An asperity-deformation model for effective pressure , 1996 .

[74]  S. Shapiro,et al.  AVO correction for scalar waves in the case of a thinly layered reflector overburden , 1996 .

[75]  Paul A. Johnson,et al.  Nonlinear elasticity and stress‐induced anisotropy in rock , 1996 .


[77]  Carl E. Renshaw,et al.  On the relationship between mechanical and hydraulic apertures in rough-walled fractures , 1995 .

[78]  J. Willis,et al.  The effect of spatial distribution on the effective behavior of composite materials and cracked media , 1995 .

[79]  T. Mukerji,et al.  Seismic pore space compressibility and Gassmann's relation , 1995 .

[80]  T. Mukerji,et al.  Fluid substitution: Estimating changes in VP without knowing VS , 1995 .

[81]  Tariq Alkhalifah,et al.  Velocity analysis for transversely isotropic media , 1995 .

[82]  Tapan Mukerji,et al.  Predicting stress-induced velocity anisotropy in rocks , 1995 .

[83]  T. Mukerji,et al.  Scale-dependent seismic velocity in heterogeneous media , 1995 .

[84]  T. K. Perkins,et al.  Prediction of Sand Production in Gas Wells: Methods and Gulf of Mexico Case Studies , 1995 .

[85]  Walter D. Mooney,et al.  Seismic velocity structure and composition of the continental crust: A global view , 1995 .

[86]  Boris Gurevich,et al.  Velocity and attenuation of elastic waves in finely layered porous rocks , 1995 .

[87]  Mark Kachanov,et al.  Microcrack‐induced elastic wave anisotropy of brittle rocks , 1995 .

[88]  J. Berryman,et al.  Differential effective medium modeling of rock elastic moduli with critical porosity constraints , 1995 .

[89]  A. Nur,et al.  Squirt flow in fully saturated rocks , 1995 .

[90]  Mukul M. Sharma,et al.  Grain contact adhesion hysteresis: A mechanism for attenuation of seismic waves , 1994 .

[91]  R. Tibshirani,et al.  An Introduction to the Bootstrap , 1995 .

[92]  L. Frazer,et al.  A pulse in a binary sediment , 1994 .

[93]  Roy E. White,et al.  A physical model for shear-wave velocity prediction , 1994 .

[94]  A. Nur,et al.  The squirt-flow mechanism: Macroscopic description , 1994 .

[95]  K. Helbig Foundations of Anisotropy for Exploration Seismics , 1994 .

[96]  Tapan Mukerji,et al.  Pore fluid effects on seismic velocity in anisotropic rocks , 1994 .

[97]  R. Nolen-Hoeksema,et al.  Estimating seismic velocities at ultrasonic frequencies in partially saturated rocks , 1994 .

[98]  James G. Berryman,et al.  Influence of microstructure on rock elastic properties , 1993 .

[99]  Yusheng Zhao,et al.  The single crystal elastic moduli of neighborite , 1993 .

[100]  M. S. Bruno,et al.  Empirical relations between compressive strength and porosity of siliciclastic rocks , 1993 .

[101]  J. Berryman Effective-stress rules for pore-fluid transport in rocks containing two minerals , 1993 .

[102]  Roel Snieder,et al.  Velocity shift in random media , 1993 .

[103]  Gedeon Dagan,et al.  Higher-order correction of effective permeability of heterogeneous isotropic formations of lognormal conductivity distribution , 1993 .

[104]  B. Lawn Fracture of Brittle Solids by Brian Lawn , 1993 .

[105]  R. Wilkens,et al.  In situ velocities in pelagic carbonates: New insights from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 130, Ontong Java Plateau , 1993 .

[106]  S. A. Shapiro,et al.  The O’Doherty‐Anstey formula and localization of seismic waves , 1993 .

[107]  Amos Nur,et al.  Dynamic poroelasticity: A unified model with the squirt and the Biot mechanisms , 1993 .

[108]  Chuen Hon Arthur Cheng Crack models for a transversely isotropic medium , 1993 .


[110]  R. Knight,et al.  Seismic and electrical properties of sandstones at low saturations , 1992 .

[111]  James G. Berryman,et al.  Effective stress for transport properties of inhomogeneous porous rock , 1992 .

[112]  Zhijing Wang,et al.  Seismic properties of pore fluids , 1992 .


[114]  Mark Kachanov,et al.  Effective Elastic Properties of Cracked Solids: Critical Review of Some Basic Concepts , 1992 .

[115]  B. Zinszner,et al.  Effects of heterogeneities and anisotropy on sonic and ultrasonic attenuation in rocks , 1992 .

[116]  J. Parise,et al.  Elasticity of α-Cristobalite: A Silicon Dioxide with a Negative Poisson's Ratio , 1992, Science.

[117]  G. Müller,et al.  Seismic-wave traveltimes in random media , 1992 .

[118]  B. Brisco,et al.  Soil moisture measurement using portable dielectric probes and time domain reflectometry , 1992 .


[120]  R. Knight,et al.  a Theoretical Treatment of the Effect of Microscopic Fluid Distribution on the Dielectric Properties of Partially Saturated ROCKS1 , 1992 .

[121]  J. Berryman Single‐scattering approximations for coefficients in Biot’s equations of poroelasticity , 1992 .

[122]  J. P. Castagna,et al.  Shear-wave velocity estimation in porous rocks: theoretical formulation, preliminary verification and applications , 1992 .

[123]  E. Fjaer Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics , 1992 .

[124]  G. Mavko,et al.  Estimating grain-scale fluid effects on velocity dispersion in rocks , 1991 .

[125]  J. Berryman,et al.  Exact results for generalized Gassmann's equations in composite porous media with two constituents , 1991 .

[126]  Frederick L. Paillet,et al.  Acoustic Waves in Boreholes , 1991 .

[127]  Mukul M. Sharma,et al.  Effects Of Wettability, Pore Geometry, And Stress On Electrical Conduction In Fluid-saturated Rocks , 1991 .

[128]  M. N. Toksöz,et al.  Dynamic permeability and borehole Stoneley waves: A simplified Biot–Rosenbaum model , 1991 .

[129]  R. Zimmerman Elastic moduli of a solid containing spherical inclusions , 1991 .

[130]  H. Gvirtzman,et al.  Pore scale spatial analysis of two immiscible fluids in porous media , 1991 .

[131]  A. Nur,et al.  Pore‐filling material and its effect on velocity in rocks , 1991 .

[132]  M. Zamora,et al.  Experimental study of acoustic anisotropy and birefringence in dry and saturated Fontainebleau Sandstone , 1990 .

[133]  J. Garat,et al.  A Petrophysical Interpretation Using the Velocities of P and S Waves (Full-Waveform Sonic) , 1990 .

[134]  Colin M. Sayers,et al.  Stress-induced ultrasonic anisotrophy in Berea sandstone , 1990 .

[135]  M. Toksöz,et al.  Permeability Estimation From Velocity Anisotropy In Fractured Rock , 1990 .

[136]  Rosemary Knight,et al.  A laboratory study of the dependence of elastic wave velocities on pore scale fluid distribution , 1990 .

[137]  J. Hudson Overall elastic properties of isotropic materials with arbitrary distribution of circular cracks , 1990 .

[138]  Theodoros Klimentos,et al.  Relationships among compressional wave attenuation, porosity, clay content, and permeability in sandstones , 1990 .

[139]  K. Winkler Estimates of velocity dispersion between seismic and ultrasonic frequencies , 1990 .

[140]  J. Goddard Nonlinear elasticity and pressure-dependent wave speeds in granular media , 1990, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[141]  N. Cook,et al.  Transmission of seismic waves across single natural fractures , 1990 .


[143]  Denis P. Schmitt,et al.  Acoustic multipole logging in transversely isotropic poroelastic formations , 1989 .

[144]  Francis Muir,et al.  A calculus for finely layered anisotropic media , 1989 .

[145]  R. Carmichael Practical Handbook of Physical Properties of Rocks and Minerals , 1989 .

[146]  E. A. Eissa,et al.  Relation between static and dynamic Young's moduli of rocks , 1988 .

[147]  Colin M. Sayers,et al.  Stress-induced ultrasonic wave velocity anisotropy in fractured rock , 1988 .

[148]  Olivier Coussy,et al.  Acoustics of Porous Media , 1988 .

[149]  M. Schoenberg,et al.  Elastic wave propagation in media with parallel fractures and aligned cracks , 1988 .

[150]  C. Sayers Inversion of ultrasonic wave velocity measurements to obtain the microcrack orientation distribution function in rocks , 1988 .

[151]  James G. Berryman,et al.  Microgeometry of random composites and porous media , 1988 .

[152]  N. Banik An effective anisotropy parameter in transversely isotropic media , 1987 .

[153]  G. C. Smith,et al.  Weighted stacking for rock property estimation and detection of gas , 1987 .

[154]  G. Mcnally,et al.  Estimation of coal measures rock strength using sonic and neutron logs , 1987 .

[155]  D. Munn,et al.  Cementation Exponents in Middle Eastern Carbonate Reservoirs , 1987 .

[156]  R. Knight,et al.  The dielectric constant of sandstones, 60 kHz to 4 MHz , 1987 .

[157]  Joel Koplik,et al.  Theory of dynamic permeability and tortuosity in fluid-saturated porous media , 1987, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[158]  J. R. Resnick,et al.  Reflection, transmission, and the generalized primary wave , 1986 .

[159]  A. Nur,et al.  Effects of porosity and clay content on wave velocities in sandstones , 1986 .

[160]  L. Thomsen Weak elastic anisotropy , 1986 .

[161]  S. Greenhalgh,et al.  Elastic properties of coal measure rocks from the Sydney Basin, New South Wales , 1986 .

[162]  R. Zimmerman Compressibility of Two-Dimensional Cavities of Various Shapes , 1986 .

[163]  W. M. Carey,et al.  Digital spectral analysis: with applications , 1986 .

[164]  T. R. Middya,et al.  Self‐consistent T‐matrix solution for the effective elastic properties of noncubic polycrystals , 1986 .

[165]  J. White Biot‐Gardner theory of extensional waves in porous rods , 1986 .

[166]  I. Lerche,et al.  Stratigraphic filtering, Part I, Derivation of the O'Doherty-Anstey formula , 1985 .

[167]  Liang C. Shen Problems In Dielectric-constant Logging And Possible Routes To Their Solution , 1985 .

[168]  V. D. L. Cruz,et al.  Seismic wave propagation in a porous medium , 1985 .

[169]  K. Winkler Dispersion analysis of velocity and attenuation in Berea sandstone , 1985 .

[170]  Stephen R. Brown,et al.  Closure of random elastic surfaces in contact , 1985 .

[171]  J. Castagna,et al.  Relationships between compressional‐wave and shear‐wave velocities in clastic silicate rocks , 1985 .

[172]  R. T. Shuey,et al.  A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations , 1985 .

[173]  M. Schoenberg,et al.  Anomalous polarization of elastic waves in transversely isotropic media , 1985 .

[174]  Ping Sheng,et al.  Effective-medium theories for two-phase dielectric media , 1985 .


[176]  A. Norris A differential scheme for the effective moduli of composites , 1985 .

[177]  H. F. Wang,et al.  The influence of pore pressure and confining pressure on dynamic elastic properties of Berea Sandstone , 1985 .

[178]  W. Murphy Acoustic measures of partial gas saturation in tight sandstones , 1984 .

[179]  R. Zimmerman Elastic moduli of a solid with spherical pores: New self-consistent method , 1984 .

[180]  C. Kendall,et al.  The relationship between acoustic properties and the petrographic character of carbonate rocks , 1984 .

[181]  Jay D. Bass,et al.  Elasticity of single‐crystal orthoferrosilite , 1984 .

[182]  J. L. Dumanoir,et al.  Theoretical and Experimental Bases for the Dual-Water Model for Interpretation of Shaly Sands , 1984 .

[183]  P. Ransom A Contribution Toward A Better Understanding Of The Modified Archie Formation Resistivity Factor Relationship , 1984 .

[184]  R. Kleinberg,et al.  Contact microphysics and viscous relaxation in sandstones , 1984 .

[185]  H.R.G.K. Hack,et al.  Seismic Methods in Engineering Geology , 1984 .

[186]  J. Berryman Dispersion of extensional waves in fluid‐saturated porous cylinders at ultrasonic frequencies , 1983 .

[187]  D. Weidner,et al.  Elastic properties of the olivine and spinel polymorphs of Mg2GeO4, and evaluation of elastic analogues , 1983 .

[188]  N. Barton,et al.  FUNDAMENTALS OF ROCK JOINT DEFORMATION , 1983 .

[189]  K. Winkler Contact stiffness in granular porous materials: Comparison between theory and experiment , 1983 .


[191]  C. H. Mehta Scattering theory of wave propagation in a two-phase medium , 1983 .

[192]  B. Kennett,et al.  Seismic Wave Propagation in Stratified Media , 1983 .

[193]  Per Horsrud,et al.  Sand Stresses Around a Wellbore , 1982 .

[194]  T. Plona,et al.  Acoustic slow waves and the consolidation transition , 1982 .

[195]  Jay D. Bass,et al.  The single‐crystal elastic moduli of stishovite , 1982 .

[196]  P. J. Digby,et al.  The Effective Elastic Moduli of Porous Granular Rocks , 1981 .

[197]  J. Berryman Elastic wave propagation in fluid‐saturated porous media , 1981 .

[198]  P. N. Sen,et al.  A self-similar model for sedimentary rocks with application to the dielectric constant of fused glass beads , 1981 .

[199]  Graeme W. Milton,et al.  Bounds on the Electromagnetic, Elastic, and Other Properties of Two-Component Composites , 1981 .

[200]  James G. Berryman,et al.  Long‐wavelength propagation in composite elastic media I. Spherical inclusions , 1980 .

[201]  M. Schoenberg Elastic wave behavior across linear slip interfaces , 1980 .

[202]  G. Sutton,et al.  Geoacoustic modeling of deep‐sea carbonate sediments , 1980 .

[203]  Gerald M. Mavko,et al.  Velocity and attenuation in partially molten rocks , 1980 .

[204]  B. Tittmann,et al.  Effect of volatiles on attenuation (Q −1) and velocity in sedimentary rocks , 1980 .

[205]  Michael P. Cleary,et al.  Self-Consistent Techniques for Heterogeneous Media , 1980 .

[206]  J. Hudson Overall properties of a cracked solid , 1980, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[207]  James G. Berryman,et al.  Confirmation of Biot’s theory , 1980 .

[208]  A. P. Annan,et al.  Electromagnetic determination of soil water content: Measurements in coaxial transmission lines , 1980 .

[209]  W. B. Bradley Failure of Inclined Boreholes , 1979 .

[210]  Jens M. Hovem,et al.  Viscous attenuation of sound in saturated sand , 1979 .

[211]  N. Dutta,et al.  On White's model of attenuation in rocks with partial gas saturation , 1979 .

[212]  N. Dutta,et al.  Attenuation and dispersion of compressional waves in fluid-filled porous rocks with partial gas saturation (White model); Part I, Biot theory , 1979 .

[213]  P. Schultz,et al.  Fundamentals of geophysical data processing , 1979 .

[214]  K. Winkler,et al.  Seismic Wave Attenuation in Rocks , 1979 .

[215]  Einar Kjartansson,et al.  Constant Q-wave propagation and attenuation , 1979 .

[216]  J. Hermance The electrical conductivity of materials containing partial melt: A simple model from Archie's law , 1979 .

[217]  F. K. Levin Seismic velocities in transversely isotropic media , 1979 .

[218]  D. T. Smith,et al.  Resistivity-porosity-particle shape relationships for marine sands , 1978 .

[219]  A. Nur,et al.  The effect of nonelliptical cracks on the compressibility of rocks , 1978 .

[220]  Bernard Budiansky,et al.  Viscoelastic properties of fluid-saturated cracked solids , 1977 .

[221]  J. B. Walsh,et al.  Changes in seismic velocity and attenuation during deformation of granite , 1977 .

[222]  R. Stoll Acoustic Waves in Ocean Sediments , 1977 .

[223]  J. Willis Bounds and self-consistent estimates for the overall properties of anisotropic composites , 1977 .

[224]  E. Kröner Bounds for effective elastic moduli of disordered materials , 1977 .

[225]  Herbert R. Carleton,et al.  Elasticity of coesite , 1977 .

[226]  J. Watt,et al.  The Elastic Properties of Composite Materials , 1976 .

[227]  S. N. Domenico,et al.  Effect of brine-gas mixture on velocity in an unconsolidated sand reservoir. [Laboratory velocity measurements in unconsolidated sand at various brine saturations] , 1976 .

[228]  Don L. Anderson,et al.  Velocity dispersion due to anelasticity; implications for seismology and mantle composition , 1976 .

[229]  S. Timoshenko,et al.  Theory of elasticity , 1975 .

[230]  W. Kuperman Coherent component of specular reflection and transmission at a randomly rough two‐fluid interface , 1975 .

[231]  J. Korringa,et al.  On the Dependence of the Elastic Properties of a Porous Rock on the Compressibility of the Pore Fluid , 1975 .

[232]  J. Bear Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media , 1975 .

[233]  Richard E. Goodman,et al.  Methods of Geological Engineering in Discontinuous Rocks , 1975 .

[234]  J. E. Gubernatis,et al.  Macroscopic engineering properties of polycrystalline materials: Elastic properties , 1975 .

[235]  Amos Nur,et al.  Melt squirt in the asthenosphere , 1975 .

[236]  J. White,et al.  Computed seismic speeds and attenuation in rocks with partial gas saturation , 1975 .


[238]  Bernard Budiansky,et al.  Seismic velocities in dry and saturated cracked solids , 1974 .


[240]  B. Kennett,et al.  Reflections, rays, and reverberations , 1974, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

[241]  M. Nafi Toksöz,et al.  Velocity and attenuation of seismic waves in two-phase media; Part I, Theoretical formulations , 1974 .

[242]  P. Corson Correlation functions for predicting properties of heterogeneous materials. I. Experimental measurement of spatial correlation functions in multiphase solids , 1974 .

[243]  J. H. Rosenbaum Synthetic microseismograms; logging in porous formations , 1974 .

[244]  R. E. Newnham,et al.  The elastic properties of beryl , 1973 .

[245]  B. Auld,et al.  Acoustic fields and waves in solids , 1973 .

[246]  J. Korringa Theory of elastic constants of heterogeneous media , 1973 .

[247]  Rudolf Zeller,et al.  Elastic Constants of Polycrystals , 1973 .

[248]  G. Simmons,et al.  Effect of pore pressure on the velocity of compressional waves in low‐porosity rocks , 1972 .

[249]  H. J. Mcskimin,et al.  Elastic Moduli of Diamond as a Function of Pressure and Temperature , 1972 .

[250]  N. Christensen Elastic properties of polycrystalline magnesium, iron, and manganese carbonates to 10 kilobars , 1972 .

[251]  Amos Nur,et al.  An exact effective stress law for elastic deformation of rock with fluids , 1971 .

[252]  N. A. Anstey,et al.  Reflections on AMPLITUDES , 1971 .

[253]  D. Tabor,et al.  An utrasonic study of the area of contact between stationary and sliding surfaces , 1971, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[254]  Herbert F. Wang,et al.  Single Crystal Elastic Constants and Calculated Aggregate Properties. A Handbook , 1971 .

[255]  F. K. Levin Apparent Velocity from Dipping Interface Reflections , 1971 .

[256]  V. A. Krasil'nikov,et al.  Reviews of Topical Problems: Nonlinear Phenomena in the Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solids , 1971 .

[257]  Amos Nur,et al.  Effects of stress on velocity anisotropy in rocks with cracks , 1971 .

[258]  Hans Rumpf,et al.  Einflüsse der Porosität und Korngrößenverteilung im Widerstandsgesetz der Porenströmung , 1971 .

[259]  J. L. Finney,et al.  Random packings and the structure of simple liquids. I. The geometry of random close packing , 1970, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[260]  O. L. Blakslee,et al.  Elastic Constants of Compression-Annealed Pyrolytic Graphite , 1970 .

[261]  Robert D. Stoll,et al.  Wave Attenuation in Saturated Sediments , 1970 .

[262]  Gene Simmons,et al.  Stress‐induced velocity anisotropy in rock: An experimental study , 1969 .

[263]  Mineo Kumazawa,et al.  Elastic moduli, pressure derivatives, and temperature derivatives of single‐crystal olivine and single‐crystal forsterite , 1969 .

[264]  G. R. Barsch,et al.  Elastic constants of single‐crystal forsterite as a function of temperature and pressure , 1969 .

[265]  A. Nur,et al.  The effect of viscosity of a fluid phase on velocity in low porosity rocks , 1969 .

[266]  J. B. Walsh New analysis of attenuation in partially melted rock , 1969 .

[267]  R. E. Newnham,et al.  Elastic properties of fluorapatite , 1969 .

[268]  D. Kilgour,et al.  The density of random close packing of spheres , 1969 .

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