어머니와 유아의 식습관 관련성 및 유아의 섭식지도를 위한 영양교육 필요성 조사
This study was conducted to investigate the dietary habits and practices of mothers and their children from 3 to 6 years of age as well as the mother`s attitudes about nutrition education. This study focused mainly on two areas: 1) the dietary habits and actual dietary practices of mothers and their children and 2) a mother`s perception and need for nutrition education. The results of the regression analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the dietary habits of mothers and their children`s (p<0.05). There was statistical significance in total food frequency intake and the food frequency intake between the mothers and children (r=0.829, p<0.01). The results of the regression analysis showed that the mother`s dietary attitude (meal regularity, meal tempo) could positively influence their children`s dietary attitude (p<0.01). The mothers showed a high interest in nutrition education; 81.6% of mothers tried to apply nutrition information to their actual dietary life, 77.6% of them recognized the need of nutrition education on preschoolers` dietary life and health, and 75.2% of them wanted to participate in nutrition education program(s) for their children. The percent of mothers that wanted to be offered lectures, food practices and hand-outs were 36.9%, 18.4%, 15.5%, respectively. The combined results of this study showed that mothers sincerely recognize the need for nutrition education and they have a high and deep interest in nutrition education.