Purpose: Recently, renewable energy system has been widely used to reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emission of building. A photovoltaic/thermal(PVT) system is a kind of efficient energy uses, which is combined with photovoltaic module and solar thermal collector. PVT system removes heat from PV module by through thermal fluid to raise the performance efficiency of the PV system. However, though PVT system has the merit of the improved efficiency in theoretical approach, there have been few performance analysis for PVT system using the dynamic energy simulation. In this study, in order to establish the optimum design method of this system, simulation was conducted by using individual system modules. Method: For the dynamic simulation, TRNSYS17 was used and local weather data was utilized. Furthermore, the system performance in various installation condition was calculated by case studies. Result: As a result, the amount of electric generation and heat production in each case was found by the simulation. The gap of system performance was also evident according to the installation condition.
Jie Ji,et al.
Hybrid photovoltaic-thermosyphon water heating system for residential application
Tin-Tai Chow,et al.
Hybrid photovoltaic and thermal solar-collector designed for natural circulation of water
J. Coventry.
Performance of a concentrating photovoltaic/thermal solar collector
Adel A. Hegazy,et al.
Comparative study of the performances of four photovoltaic/thermal solar air collectors.
Swapnil Dubey,et al.
Thermal modeling of a combined system of photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) solar water heater
Ha Herbert Zondag,et al.
The yield of different combined PV-thermal collector designs
Y. Tripanagnostopoulos,et al.
Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar systems
Gilles Fraisse,et al.
Energy performance of water hybrid PV/T collectors applied to combisystems of Direct Solar Floor type