Evaluation of dustiness test methods and recommendations for improved dust control at Heubach Inc. , Newark, New Jersey. Study report
A study was made of methods in place at the Heubach Inc. facilities located in Newark, New Jersey for the control of dust during the production of inorganic lead chromate and organic pigments. The study centered in the bag-filling area of a particular building and in the bag-emptying area of a second building. A 15-year-old St. Regis force-flow packer and a 20-year-old St. Regis auger packer were used to package pigment in multiple paper bags in 50-pound quantities. In the bag-emptying area semibulk or sling type bags, fiber drums, and 50-pound paper bags were emptied at one of five dump stations. A number of practices were used by this company to reduce worker dust exposures. These included product modification, process equipment design, local exhaust ventilation, personal protective equipment, and administrative controls. Some of the lead pigments were modified by using a proprietary additive to reduce their dustiness. Other equipment controls were discussed. Personal protective equipment was provided. Each employee viewed a 90-minute video on safety once a year, and the importance of good hygiene was stressed. Also discussed was an evaluation of the dustiness test procedures and the correlation of the worker exposure with the dustiness test results. The authorsmore » recommend improved process design, ventilation and work practices for reducing lead exposures.« less