Conformance TestSuite forCBEFFBiometric Information Records
Deployment of standards-based biometric technologies isexpected tosignificantly raise levels ofsecurity forcritical infrastructures thathasnotbeenpossible todate withother technologies. Thesesystems require acomprehensive setoftechnically soundstandards thatmeetthecustomer's needs. Theexistence ofstandards alone, however, isnotenough todemonstrate thatproducts meetthetechnical requirements specified inthestandards. Conformance testing captures the technical description ofastandard andmeasures whether an implementation faithfully implements thestandard. Conformity assessment provides confidence tousers through programs that demonstrate theconformity ofproducts tospecific standards. Thispaperdiscusses a Conformance TestSuite(CTS)for Biometric Information Records (BIRs) claiming conformance to datastructures specified inCommon Biometric Exchange FormatsFramework(CBEFF)standards. The paper summarizes conformance testing procedures andcriteria for testing thesedatastructures. A conformance testing architecture anda CTS implementation developed atthe National Institute ofStandards andTechnology (NIST) toassess conformance totheseCBEFF datastructures isdescribed. Ongoing andfuture workisdiscussed. I.INTRODUCTION
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