Microstrip collinear antenna

The present invention provides a microstrip collinear antenna (20) having cable connector assembly means (30) and a collinear microstrip printed circuit board means (32). The cable connector assembly means (20) responds to a radio signal, for providing a cable connector assembly radio signal. The collinear microstrip printed circuit board means (32) responds to the cable connector assembly radio signal, for providing a collinear microstrip printed circuit board radio signal. The microstrip line collinear antenna (20) is constructed with a number of one half λ printed circuit board elements on both sides [34(a),34(b)] of a double-sided board (34). These one half λ sections are the radiators. On the other side of the board opposite each radiator [36,38,...,54;56,58,...,72] is a respective section of corresponding microstrip transmission lines [36(a),38(a),...,54(a);56(a),58(a),...,72(a)] to provide radio frequency power to each radiating element. The microstrip line collinear antenna (20) has the following advantages over the prior art antennas: it achieves shorter length due to close physical spacing of radiators, it maintains consistent pattern and impedance performance across the operating frequency range, it allows for accurate and consistent manufacturing through the use of advanced printed circuit board materials, allows for center feed design to achieve high-gain broadband operation, and it allows cost reduction with printed circuit board materials.