Advancement of understanding in paleontology and biology has always been hindered by difficulty in accessing comparative data. With current and burgeoning technology, the severity of this hindrance can be substantially reduced. Researchers and museum personnel generating three-dimensional (3-D) digital models of museum specimens can archive them using internet repositories that can then be explored and utilized by other researchers and private individuals without a museum trip. We focus on MorphoSource, the largest web archive for 3-D museum data at present. We describe the site, how to use it most effectively in its current form, and best practices for file formats and metadata inclusion to aid the growing community wishing to utilize it for distributing 3-D digital data. The potential rewards of successfully crowd sourcing the digitization of museum collections from the research community are great, as it should ensure rapid availability of the most important datasets. Challenges include long-term governance (i.e., maintaining site functionality, supporting large amounts of digital storage, and monitoring/updating file to prevent bit rot, which is the slow and random corruption of electronic data over time, and data format obsolescence, which is the problem of data becoming unreadable or ineffective because of the loss of functional software necessary for access), and utilization by the community (i.e., detecting and minimizing user error in creating data records, incentivizing data sharing by researchers and institutions alike, and protecting stakeholder rights to data, while maximizing accessibility and discoverability). MorphoSource serves as a proof-of-concept of how these kinds of challenges can be met. Accordingly, it is generally recognized as the most appropriate repository for large, raw datasets of fossil organisms and/or comparative samples. Its existence has begun to transform data transparency standards because journal reviewers, editors, and grant officers now often suggest or require that 3-D data be made available through this site.
D. Boyer,et al.
Astragalar and calcaneal morphology of the middle Eocene primate Anchomomys frontanyensis (Anchomomyini): Implications for early primate evolution.
Journal of human evolution.
Mikael Fortelius,et al.
High-level similarity of dentitions in carnivorans and rodents
Gabriel S. Yapuncich,et al.
Internal carotid arterial canal size and scaling in Euarchonta: Re-assessing implications for arterial patency and phylogenetic relationships in early fossil primates.
Journal of human evolution.
Aaron R. Wood,et al.
First North American fossil monkey and early Miocene tropical biotic interchange
Doug M. Boyer,et al.
Primate tarsal bones from Egerkingen, Switzerland, attributable to the middle Eocene adapiform Caenopithecus lemuroides
D. Boyer,et al.
Tarsal morphology of Caenopithecus, a large adapiform primate from the middle Eocene of Switzerland
Doug M. Boyer,et al.
Relief index of second mandibular molars is a correlate of diet among prosimian primates and other euarchontan mammals.
Journal of human evolution.
Yoshio Umezawa,et al.
A high-throughput screening of genes that encode proteins transported into the endoplasmic reticulum in mammalian cells
Nucleic acids research.
Doug M. Boyer,et al.
A collection of non-human primate computed tomography scans housed in MorphoSource, a repository for 3D data
Scientific Data.