Carbon Nanotube Transparent Electrode

In the modern world, transparent conductive films (TCF) are extremely common and criti‐ cally important in electrical devices. In our homes or offices, they are found in flat panel dis‐ plays such as in TVs, laptops and in touch panels, of phones, tablet computers, E-readers and digital cameras [1]. Besides, they are also used as the electrodes for photovotaic devices such as solar cells [2] and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) [3]. Liquid crystal display (LCD) is by far the largest user of transparent conductive films but many devices are show‐ ing rapid growth in popularity such as touch panels (362 million units in 2010 with annual growth of 20% through 2013), E-paper (30 fold growth expected from 2008 to 2014), and thin film solar cells (expected sales of over $13 billion by 2017) [4].