Implementación del Programa integral de prevención y reducción del uso y consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el ámbito laboral en la Empresa Plantaciones de Balsa Plantabal S.A- Complejo Industrial Quevedo, Quevedo 2017

The research project was carried out in the company Plantations de Balsa Plantabal SA, taking into account the staff of the industrial complex located in the city of Quevedo, the main objective was to implement the program of comprehensive prevention of the use and consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other Drugs in the workplace, carrying out a series of actions and activities with their respective guidelines, protocols and authorizations, which were properly planned, and thus promote the safety and health of workers. The research was carried out in a non-experimental analytical way, using tools provided and approved by WHO (World Health Organization), which are ASSIST 3.0 and AUDIT 2.0, which served to complete the initial diagnosis- Situation, which resulted in the consumption mainly of alcohol and tobacco, in turn was made a planning of activities and measures, aimed at training and awareness in reducing and preventing drug use, in workers who are Carried out with the support of health and safety professionals of the company. Once all the activities and actions of the program have been executed, compliance with these actions has been verified through a matrix provided by the SETED (Technical Secretariat for Drugs), which is a tool and supporting document for the moment of being audited by the competent body, and take their levant decisions in the company.