Technology and the Balance of Nature: Man's own nature is his greatest problem in the struggle for survival

The World Food Congress is now in session in Washington, D.C. The program deals directly with problems that are basic to human welfare. Prof. Arnold J. Toynbee of Great Britain, in one of his opening major addresses, dealt with man's constant fight to change the balance of nature in his own favor, and showed that effort in some areas is being defeated by lack of attention to other areas. He referred to the goals of abolishing pestilence, war, and famine. We are making progress against the first, there is some hope of conquering the second, and great efforts are being directed against the third. Yet the very success of such efforts is contributing to an increase in population that may become unsupportable. Mankind's future, Prof. Toynbee says, is at stake in a formidable race between population growth and famine. It is not unreasonable to say that we have adequate scientific and ...