Testing and evaluation strategy: teleFOT deliverable D2.2.1

This deliverable, D2.2.1. Testing and Evaluation Strategy, reports on part of the work to be accomplished in WP2.2. Methods and Tools. The main objective of WP2.2. is to define and develop evaluation plans for each test community. This work is to be performed continuously during the project, and be based on the choice of relevant and mature (single or combined) traffic related functions to be tested. The deliverable describes the work accomplished by March/April 2009. It provides a description of the recommended general strategy to be applied in and across the different FOTs, both Detailed and Large Scale FOTs. The deliverable is to support the operationalisation of more detailed plans to be developed in collaboration between WP2.2./Task 2.2.4 and SP3. In particular it provides a description of the study regimes in terms of: · procedure for generating research questions and hypotheses, · for choosing study design, · for recruiting and choosing participants to the studies, · for the data to be collected and the data collection methods and procedures. The work builds on that accomplished in the FESTA project and documented in the FESTA Handbook. However, regarding e.g. the procedure for generating research questions and hypotheses, it has proven necessary to developed a modified and more elaborate procedure (integrating hypotheses developed topdown, i.e. based on an underlying theoretical framework, and bottomup, i.e. based on the different functions to be tested, use cases etc.) which will be applied in TeleFOT FOTs and will can be applied in all types of future FOTs. The deliverable constitutes input to the work of SP3 as well as SP4, as does the work carried out in SP3 and SP4 provide an important input into the update of the Testing and Evaluation Strategy (as indicated in the TeleFOT DoW, the Testing and Evaluation Strategy needs to be developed throughout the project). The strategy is to be further developed and operationalised in dialogue between the relevant partners involved WP2.2. and those involved in SP3 and SP4.