Abstract A domain decomposition methodis developed to reduce the computational complexity of boundary value problems associated withthe structural analysis of bodies with arbitrary external geometry, loading and linearly elasticmicrostructure. The purpose of the method is to augment existing numerical discretizationmethods of analysis, such as the finite element method. The approach is to partition and decouplethe heterogeneous body into more computationally tractable, nonoverlapping, subdomains whoseunion forms the entire domain under analysis. This is achieved by approximating the subdomainboundary conditions. The approximate boundary conditions, of displacement or traction type, aresupplied from the solution to a relatively computationally inexpensive auxiliary boundary valueproblem characterized by a simple regularized microstructure. Since the decoupled subdomainsmay then be analyzed separately, the memory requirements are reduced and computingprocedures are trivially parallelizable. A-posteriori error bounds are developed for solutionsgenerated by this process. It is shown that, in the special case of uniform exterior loading, theerror bounds collapse into forms which imply results pertaining to effective property orderingcoinciding with those published by Huet (1990) .
Christian Huet,et al.
Application of variational concepts to size effects in elastic heterogeneous bodies
E. Sanchez-Palencia,et al.
Homogenization Techniques for Composite Media
R. Hill.
The Elastic Behaviour of a Crystalline Aggregate
W. Voigt.
Ueber die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Elasticitätsconstanten isotroper Körper
J. Oden,et al.
Analysis and adaptive modeling of highly heterogeneous elastic structures
A. Reuss,et al.
Berechnung der Fließgrenze von Mischkristallen auf Grund der Plastizitätsbedingung für Einkristalle .
Kumar Vemaganti,et al.
Hierarchical modeling of heterogeneous solids
Pierre Ladevèze,et al.
Error Estimate Procedure in the Finite Element Method and Applications